Captain K's Candidate Spotlight #2 - Rachel Jones for LD17, Arizona House (Reelection)
Topic: Elections
Captain Seth Keshel announces the second election integrity Candidate Spotlight of the 2024 election cycle, and it is for Rachel Jones (Republican), incumbent vying for reelection to one of two Arizona House of Representatives seats in Legislative District 17.
Representative Jones, a resident of Pima County, has been highly praised by conservative groups and chastised by progressive ones in her first term in office, and as part of “Arizona’s Freedom Team,” along with Senator Justine Wadsack and her seatmate, Representative Cory McGarr, offers hope for a state hit hard by rampant corruption and maladministration.
Representative Jones (website) has backed key legislation in keeping with Captain Keshel’s standards for election reform and is hereby featured in the following Candidate Spotlight:
Author’s Note: I will be spending substantial time vetting candidates for election integrity-specific Candidate Spotlights. These summaries will all be made available at no cost, but require substantial time to prepare and screen for viability. Please consider upgrading to a paid membership to this journal if you find them worthwhile in directing traffic in an increasingly confusing political landscape. Thank you!
Looks like a good pick, Captain K. I'm very impressed by her well-rounded background !!
Another plus, and it's a big one, for Rachel Jones. She stood against the corrupt AZ RINO legislature in their brazen power grab and unceremonious expulsion of Rep Liz Harris. Liz had the gall to make the legislators a little too uncomfortable by bringing in a small group of folks to testify (thank you, Captain Keshel) on election fraud and corruption in Arizona. Expulsion by her own party and complete disregard for LD17 voters were the thanks Harris received for fulfilling her campaign promises.
Jones stood with and supported Rep Harris throughout the ugly ordeal, as did, if memory serves, her LD17 cohort Cory McGarr, mentioned here. We owe Rep Jones our thanks as well as reelection.