Thank you for putting into words what we are all thinking. All the threats of arrests and accountability are already becoming hollow when they do not materialize.

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“For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval,”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭13‬:‭3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

There has been no fear of punishment for too long at the heights of power. Either we the people meet out judgement or God will.

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Well said. And (FWIW) I totally agree.

Since shortly after the steal / coup d'etat of 2020, through the present, my daily prayers have included:

"Please deliver this country from the Satanic evil of Collectivism that has seized control of it. Please let the evildoers responsible be identified and brought to justice, and that the resulting revelations cause the scales to fall from the eyes of tens of millions of our fellow citizens. In turn, please let that be a catalyst for a New Great Awakening - in this land, and across the globe."

With the miracle in Butler, PA, and what has followed. It is my belief that God has heard all of our prayers, and has answered. Giving us a second chance. But not yet victory, but a chance at it. And so our prayers and earthly endeavors must continue - indefatigably.

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If I could, I would give this article a thousand hearts!!!!

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Great post! Bring on Justice!

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Without justice there will be only temporary or perceived freedom. As a follower of newly appointed Deputy FBI Director I will say there is hope. DB refuses to forget about Russia gate or what happened in 2020. I believe in my heart that he is on the same page.

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This is too big to not put in my 2 cents. We have ALL ( including myself) gotten too accustomed to NOTHING happening, and find it almost unbelievable that Elon is making an actual dent. SOMETHING needs to happen. Just like you’ve said “ stand up and do SOMETHING “. Thank you for continuing the PUSH, that is not “popular” except with the forgotten people.

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Seth, so good I had to read it twice, the second time more slowly. The Bible verses, thrice.

Agreed with all your points especially the public justice part. We need to see someone start the parade of criminals being charged and convicted of serious crimes, like treason. And the kidnapping, raping, and murder of women and children. With penalties to fit the crimes.

Also we need that Election Integrity Commission to get things straight for once and for all.

Joseph Kennedy was quoted, supposedly talking to his son Jack about the upcoming election in Illinois back in 1960: “Don’t buy a single vote more than necessary. I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay for a landslide.” Once after a union vote I heard the executive board joking about the outcome: “It was our election, we stole it fair and square.” It wasn’t funny then, it isn’t funny now. What can I do to help you get appointed? You’ve already assumed the personal responsibility, all you need now is the delegated authority from on high.

Finally, on the “unassailable foreigners” that flooded our borders in unprecedented numbers recently (Springfield OH, anyone?). Any leftover from mass legal deportations should be compelled to work for a living wage and taught English proficiency. How can we be on the same page if we can’t speak and read the same language?

Shameless plug on the KJV: even though I am “English-American” I identify as an Iowan first and a US citizen second. Either way this is our country where we value education and hold traditional values close to heart, like using words correctly in a sentence.

The KJV is the number one best selling book of all time, none other close. It is the undisputed heavyweight champion of the publishing world and still is the American best selling Bible version year in and year out out.

I encourage all the readers to take the time to compare the verses cited here with the KJV and decide for yourselves: do words have meaning, and grammar, and pronouns, and singular/plural/gender agreement?

If you answer yes, then One Size Fits All! Get yourself a copy of the KJV and start a lifelong quest for spiritual insight. 8 billion readers since 1611 can’t all be wrong!

Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (KJV)

Now, where can I get me one of them there fancy leather sleeveless jackets you got, Seth?

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100% agree. I have long said this doesn’t end until the actual criminals are held to account.

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I don't usually disagree with Seth, but several things here:

1) The collapse of the DemoKKKrat party is epic. Truly they could be OUT OF BUSINESS by 2030. In FL, today, over 600,000 bad SS #s were discovered & will be purged (1.3% of entire D electorate in one fell swoop. Imagine that spread over all states. Instantly VA, NH, NM and others become tossups.

2) The $ is evaporating due to USAID. This was a far, far bigger slush fund than anyone dreamed. So Ds will be down all the fraudulent voters (not counting illegals being deported and GOP net gains over Ds) and will be down BILLIONS of dollars in phony campaign funds.

3) How do I know DemoKKKrats are screwed? I read all their blogs, and their "solutions" are for the DemoKKKrats to become "deficit hawks." How did that work for Rs over the last 50 years?

4) I think justice is an absolute imperative if for no other reason than to RESTORE TRUST IN THE SYSTEM. But . . . when you talk to normies, they could care less about the Eptstein list or the JFK files. If Trump caps inflation and brings prices down (which WILL happen with the coming energy explosion), people will shrug at the justice end of this.

We all want gallows. We all want perp walks. I seriously doubt we will see even 2-3, let alone dozens. I keep coming back to this: in the Civil War, where traitors set off a war that killed 600,000

Americans, how many went to jail? One. Jeff Davis for two years. Any executed? One, the commandant of Andersonville prison camp (no, not counting the Lincoln assassins).

If that was it for a war that killed half a million, we're not going to see jail or serious justice for an "almost" coup.

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#1 item on my Christmas Media Wishlist! Hell yeah baby! This is all I wanted for Christmas... it's a little late but I understand, given the circumstances.

Thank you, President Trump

I'm also hesitant about the real results of this release but this is a good first step. I'm even more encouraged that there seems to be groundswell of popular support for justice, as you say, and the will of the people is still a catalyst in our country. I don't know anyone who supports the ongoing government cover-up.

The only question is whether powerful people have destroyed enough evidence to avoid culpability, and whether they will be able to placate voters by releasing limited data... or will the actions of outraged voters and government agents with integrity will overwhelm them. Still-a good first step.


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The gender obsessed Navy programs need to be jettisoned. And the Air Force programs. And the Coast Guard programs. .

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So, Seth, saw somewhere yesterday that some Dem Pols had been indicted in CT for election rigging in 2024. Will there be justice?

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