Knowing the problem is a necessary starting point.

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Hello Sir! it's nice to be a part of your Newsletter. I watched you show how most of our Country would be RED if not for the Fraud,...that was amazing work you did. Thank you very much.

You talk here about how Presidents have all the power now,......a very interesting topic. Have you read the 17th Special Operations Group's Substack Newsletters? I think you would enjoy them. Start at the beginning and then go up. Each page builds on the last. The first few posts go into how our government has been corrupted. How we got here where only the President-KING has power. It is a very interesting read. I highly recommend it. Here is the link. https://17sog.substack.com/ This is a very detailed narrative backed up with facts that show just how the Elites worked to removed power from the Legislators etc....and give it all to the President-King.

Then I want to talk about the Feminization of Men. And the Undermining of the Feminine Woman! These Elites/Globalists have worked very hard to destroy and alienate Families. In the past men worked and women were home with their children, making sure they did their home work, taking care of the home and garden and teaching important life lessons to their children. But that was not working for the Globalists. They needed to get control of the Children. In order to get the children, they had to destroy the one thing people will fight to the death for, their Families. To do that, they had to get the Wife out of the home and they did that by telling women that they were being treated unfairly. They needed to be just like MEN. They published articles in RED BOOK and every other Women's Magazine,....tell women that their homes were prisons and they were STUCK there doing grunge work. They convinced women that staying home was a miserable job and they left their families to work for minimum wage in some crap job because any job was better than raising their own children!

And the Globalists started their "Department of Education" (indoctrination really), the Children were now available to the Globalists to be indoctrinated to become good little worker Bees. Over the years they have dumbed down the curriculum and the testing,....until our kids don't learn anything that helps them with their own futures any more! Not even how to deal with Money. Not how to garden. Or even to speak up for themselves. And those kids that weren't willing to submit, they were sedated with Ritalin.

Each generation has been made more and more unable to do anything for themselves and to conform, to depend totally on the government, the medical system, the banking system and the FED. This didn't happen because of an accident! This was a Globalist Elite plan, part of their World Domination plan. A patient slow 2000 year old plan of infiltration and brain washing that is almost finished now. Now they are pushing Gay, Lesbian, Trans etc....doing the same things they did before. DESTROYING FAMILIES and decreasing the population at the same time. Gays, Lesbians, and Trans people will not be having babies! They have destroyed the one thing people used to really love and fight for, their FAMILY, because you can't have people picking what's good for their families over what's good for the STATE.

Next, you mention our health....but that too isn't a surprise. They have taught us in schools over the decades that the Government cares about us and wouldn't tell us to do something that was BAD for us. We trusted them completely, we let them run our lives, tell us what good for us, tell what's bad for us....we totally gave up control of our own bodies to the Medical System. They told us that the foods all our Ancestors ate daily were suddenly Toxic, they cause heat disease. They told us the Sun, that our Ancestors were under forever,....gave us CANCER! They have lied and lied and lied to we the people for decades!

I think one of the biggest things to come out of this fake flu pandemic is that Millions of people now see that they cannot trust the Medical System at all! They are all criminals trying to make and keep us weak, sick, depressed and hopefully dead early to get us off the Social Security rolls! I can't believe what doctors and nurses were doing in hospitals through the PLANDEMIC, knowing full well they were killing people with Remdesivir and Ventilators! Marking everyone as a "Covid" death no matter what they died of to increase the numbers of the dying! They did what they were told and never spoke up, because their paycheck meant more than human life. That plus holding back cheap and excellent medications (HCQ and IVERMECTIN) that would have saved 500,000 people if they had been allowed to take them! Only to increase their death numbers!

I will never trust a doctor, hospital or even a vet for my dogs again! Big Pharma has done the same thing to our pets....knowing we love them so much we'll do anything they say to keep them safe. We've been losing our dogs and cats to cancer and autoimmune and diabetes early now for years! The vets are just as guilty, they had to know that these shots were not necessary every year, or even every 3 years! Shame on our Medical Establishment!! Shame! Working for the Globalists,...just PUPPETS!

Ok, I'll get off my Soapbox now. Sorry, but these things are driving me nuts! I can't get any one to understand or hear me. How do we turn this crap around? How do we teach people things that they should have known from common sense?

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Thank you for your brilliant insight ! Our declining culture IS a product of Afluenza! Absolutely on Target!

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Thank you Captain, for the clarity and encouragement! We will not shrink back nor will we back down. Standing firm on the rock.

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Excellent piece! Thanks Seth.

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Great work! Thanks for the glimmer of hope on the horizon and for your encouragement to keep fighting the good fight and to not give up!

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