We are incredibly blessed with those who DO things. Grateful to see courage. It just takes one of us to make a difference.

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Judge Russell and company by his own words ought to be enough. But the corruption is deep.

All our thanks go to Mr Beadles.

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Thanks Seth for all that you are doing to save our Great Nation from the ravages of the Left.

Just a note to follow up Tom Fitton's of Judicial Watch as to comments on The information he has obtained on Voter Anomalies. Watch to the end. Very compelling.

Link here.


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This Beadles guy is a real bulldog......a lot like Dan Richards in New Hampshire. Thanks for the link to the TC Sterling piece......that was solid reporting by Sterling. I say it again.....the two-party system, enshrined by the misguided Electoral College, has failed us. Think about this: in all of these election-related cases, we all want to know right away who appointed the judge......a Republican, or a Democrat. Let that sink in. It's like we want to know if the referees are Celtics fans or Lakers fans, because they WILL rule in favor of their favorite team. Were there no Electoral College, there would be more than two major political parties, if there were major political parties at all. Every elected person would be part of the minority. There's your checks & balances system right there. As it is, with only two parties, when extremists in one party decide to go rogue and cheat, it's hard to stop them, because the two-party system polarizes voters to the extent that a Democrat voter who agrees that elections are being stolen would rather continue voting Democrat than surrendering to the party that is........pick your topic.......pro-life.......pro-cop........Judeo-Christian....... We may be too polarized to stop the slide into the pit, unless someone comes along and actually drains the swamp and kills off the Uniparty by starting a viable 3rd party. Trump should have. RFK might. Imagine where we'd be if Trump had started a 3rd party soon after the GOP threw him under the bus on about......oh, Jan 7, 2021. Guys like Paul Ryan would be crawling into Trump's office ready to suck up....literally. The voters and the money would follow Trump, and the GOP and their RINO's would by now be irrelevant.

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Nevada is a RED State IF ONLY WE ARE COURAGEOUS to say something when we see something. It's time to be bold when we know we are right and the law sides with people whose concern for justice is now more preeminent than ever.

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