Thanks for sharing! Love how we’re able to have such purpose in each of your trips. I was honored to be able to visit the USS ARIZONA on a Memorial Day years ago. Solemn and reverent experience.
Those are happy lookin' kids !! Way to go, Dad !! And a tip of the cap on the ranked choice voting victory.......that's a hard argument to win, cuz RCV *sounds* so sweet & fair, and you need to be a bit of a critical thinker to understand what a bad idea it is. But shame on that Junior Tupai guy.......sounds like he's joined the I-wanna-be-a-career-politician-Uniparty already. Carry on Captain,....with sunscreen next time !!
Thanks for sharing your travels in detail. I plan to watch the videos so I can hear your presentations. It is very encouraging to hear about people taking control of this problem like this in a place I would have assumed to be a lost cause. I'm glad I'm wrong. I've traveled to Hawaii several times for business and twice for pleasure. It is a very unique place.
I love your writings that include the links to the additional events and subjects. Not to mention the great detail that helps the reader to understand the points. Thank you again
Appreciate you sharing your road trip to Hawaii where I live. Corrine is tirelessly doing the hard work...I met her in person just a couple of months ago.
My trip to Hawaii, vicariously through your picture album, was so much fun! Loved seeing the kids, but that sunburn hurt my body!
Thanks for sharing! Love how we’re able to have such purpose in each of your trips. I was honored to be able to visit the USS ARIZONA on a Memorial Day years ago. Solemn and reverent experience.
Thanks again for sharing. A couple notes:
"Maybe it was the vest." I think not. You make it look good, but it was definitely the boots. On the beach. Only a Texan.
Although I do not view MSM, yours is the only mention of Pearl Harbor Day that I saw today. Sad.
Lastly, thanks for sharing your family with us. Your kids are adorable. Raise them right, Dad. Don't let ANYTHING get between you and them.
Godspeed ,Captain.
Kuai is my favorite island. Well said seth!
Mele Kalikimaka lo'ihi haoli ali'i.
Mel-eh kah-lee-key-mah-kah Low ee-he how-lee ah LEE ee
Merry Christmas tall white chief!
Ahui hou brah! ah-who-ee hoe-uu brah
Until we meet again brother!
Those are happy lookin' kids !! Way to go, Dad !! And a tip of the cap on the ranked choice voting victory.......that's a hard argument to win, cuz RCV *sounds* so sweet & fair, and you need to be a bit of a critical thinker to understand what a bad idea it is. But shame on that Junior Tupai guy.......sounds like he's joined the I-wanna-be-a-career-politician-Uniparty already. Carry on Captain,....with sunscreen next time !!
Thanks for sharing your travels in detail. I plan to watch the videos so I can hear your presentations. It is very encouraging to hear about people taking control of this problem like this in a place I would have assumed to be a lost cause. I'm glad I'm wrong. I've traveled to Hawaii several times for business and twice for pleasure. It is a very unique place.
I love your writings that include the links to the additional events and subjects. Not to mention the great detail that helps the reader to understand the points. Thank you again
Appreciate you sharing your road trip to Hawaii where I live. Corrine is tirelessly doing the hard work...I met her in person just a couple of months ago.
Your sharing of your parental victories is encouraging. Looking forward to your findings in our county.