This quick, three-part series is intended to familiarize the reader with the military by introducing the basic operating structure of the United States Army. Basic knowledge of the military at the macro level appears to be in critical demand given the variety of theories present today about the capabilities of the military. Veterans reading the series will likely nod along in agreement but should know that this is intended for an audience of civilians who may be reluctant to ask the most basic questions about the topic.
I chose the Army for several reasons. First, I am an Army veteran, having served for six years, ultimately attaining the rank of Captain (O-3) – I am highly familiar with the ins and outs of that service branch, especially since my specialty branch of Military Intelligence put me knee-deep in the business of just about every other Army branch. Second, the Army is the largest of the six branches, and has the most consistent and explainable organizational structure in which a novice can understand how militaries around the world are held together. Finally, the Army is the least specialized of all the branches and offers a broader view to the learner than if I were to dissect the structure of the Air Force, for instance.
The three parts of the series are:
1) Order of Battle (Basic Organization)
2) Enlisted Rank Structure
3) Officer Rank Structure
Once complete, you should understand basic functionality of the Army, the rank structure, and roles and duties of those holding positions of leadership.
Thank you!
Hi- just signed up so I could read this - my son is Major in Army currently - and I would love more knowledge so I can ask better questions and understand more. He's been in 7.5 years and has a min. of 9, but "was" going to stay for 20, but really not sure any more. Its tough. He's medical person.