Dec 15, 2022Liked by Capt. Seth Keshel

Thank you so much. You and Jessica Rose have replaced my morning paper. Somebody remarked last night in a discussion about all of this that “this is like a Bond movie”, to which I replied “oh it’s way better than a bond movie”. Or, as Jordan Peterson pointed out in a recent SkyTV interview, “oh this is way worse than Kafka because as least with Kafka you had faceless bureaucrats and not machines making rules.” So legally this appears to come down to proving the machines ( and process ) are certifiable ( they are not based on most state certs ) and what is an eligible, registered, legal voter and count voters not ballots. And you can look no further than AZ to see what a huge increase in “registered ballots - not “registered voters” - allowed Hobbs et. al. to pull off ( S. Keshel post ):

“The MEGA fraud in Arizona midterms began in 2018.  We didn't notice because POTUS wasn't lost - but it was used to install Hobbs as Sec of State and Sinema in US Senate

Governor Votes (Total Votes for all candidates) in midterms:

2006 1,503,358

2010 1,627,869

2014 1,431,983

Avg 06-10-14 1,536,070

Governor Votes

2018 2,325,204

2022 2,438,781 (and counting)

Avg 18-22 2,381,993

Kari Lake had 90% as many votes as were cast in total in the 2014 midterm in Arizona in a BIDEN midterm...”

And she “lost”. How many states across the U.S. just created a net +10% new BALLOTS ( not voters) in the last election? What if it was all of them?

The AZ cases are huge. If we can legally find redress with key cases and get enough people educated via sources like Bailiwick to pressure politicians at the local and state level to get to numbered paper ballots, ID check, no mail in ( exceptions limited), no early vote, precinct-only voting, and a hand count...then we may keep our country. Thank you!!!

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Capt. Seth Keshel

It’s Dr. Nicole Kish in Norman, OKLAHOMA!

You worth every penny for your Substack!!

Looking forward to working with you!

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I really appreciate your hard work at keeping us informed about the AZ election lawsuits. Those corrupt bureaucrats have total disregard for the rule of law, and think they can blatantly commit fraud and suppression of votes, and they specifically targeted the suppression of voters for Kari Lake and the America First candidates. That entire AZ election must be thrown out, nullified, and done again without the interference of Hobbs who clearly had a vested interest in certifying a fraudulent election. OR - the invalid votes thrown out, and the missing votes counted, and the real totals abided by. I think many would like to see some people indicted.

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Capt. Seth Keshel

Great analysis Seth! 👍👍

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Capt. Seth Keshel

Coherent chunks are always welcomed. Thanks Seth!

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Capt. Seth Keshel

Thank you for all you do!

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Capt. Seth Keshel

Oops...you ARE worth...

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Thank you sir.

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Seth, I saw this in today's Atlanta rag. It sounds like a grand plan to pull off a scheme that is cloaked as a "recount".

I wonder what your thoughts are.


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They are trying to act like they’re doing due diligence.

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