Great analysis Seth. An election redo would not solve the problem unless it is done without machines, on paper ballots. Voter ID one day of voting- using all of your 10 points. Also Katie Hobbs can not be in charge of certifying her own election.
Wish you could have litigated this case, Seth. Such a clear opportunity to get things righted! Very disappointing. The attorneys for Lake should have spelled out the consequences for overlooking the evidence that there was malicious intent in this case as you did. You called it: no courage.
Judge Thompson should step down from the bench, and quite frankly, he should quit law altogether. The day I succumb to fear in practicing law will be the day I quit practicing law. This should be every attorney’s (and Judge’s) stance.
Like everyone else who cares about justice, I’m disgusted and outraged by this and other judges like him that hide behind their robes, sanctimoniously! 👎
Out of curiosity, I’d like to hear Jan Brewers comments about her selection and this judge.
ah, just day there will be a judge with a backbone, let's hope w/the next appeal. Kari Lake. An icon of truth, and a beacon of hope for the future. Never say die.
What do you think about the people of Arizona calling for a recall of all of these illegitimate politicians? They also need to recall all of the Maricopa county election officials. It doesn’t seem like it is possible to have a remedy for a fraudulent election in the courts. The voter roles definitely need to be dealt with. Mail in ballots need to be stopped. I think Arizonans should be staging protests daily like they did for Bolsonaro in Brazil. This cannot be allowed to stand.
The excuse judges uses about riots in the street is a joke. The only people rioting will be the 10 people who voted for Hobbs as machines themselves can’t riot.
"Thompson, regardless of whether he adhered to technicalities in rendering his decision, has now joined Mark Brnovich, Doug Ducey, and countless others in the ranks of feckless Arizonans who failed to be etched in history as courageous men who acted boldly when the Republic counted on them to put a halt to corruption that threatens the existence of not only the state, but America herself."
"His moral failure to play it safe and punt and seek refuge to the letter of laws that are only relevant to a lawful, God-fearing, and moral society ..."
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. - Proverbs 29:25
Great analysis Seth. An election redo would not solve the problem unless it is done without machines, on paper ballots. Voter ID one day of voting- using all of your 10 points. Also Katie Hobbs can not be in charge of certifying her own election.
Wish you could have litigated this case, Seth. Such a clear opportunity to get things righted! Very disappointing. The attorneys for Lake should have spelled out the consequences for overlooking the evidence that there was malicious intent in this case as you did. You called it: no courage.
Judge Thompson should step down from the bench, and quite frankly, he should quit law altogether. The day I succumb to fear in practicing law will be the day I quit practicing law. This should be every attorney’s (and Judge’s) stance.
Thank You for all your time spent detailing this case for us, and Merry Christmas!
Well stated.
I am so disgusted!!
Thank you for this article. These are my thoughts exactly.
There’s always the Athens, TN 1946 route
Like everyone else who cares about justice, I’m disgusted and outraged by this and other judges like him that hide behind their robes, sanctimoniously! 👎
Out of curiosity, I’d like to hear Jan Brewers comments about her selection and this judge.
Maybe a Governor recall is in order while Ms Lake and her legal team journey through the US legal system; towards the Supreme Court.
Another loss is disheartening.
This country was built on courageous men and women.
Today it is built on sinking sand. 😢
ah, just day there will be a judge with a backbone, let's hope w/the next appeal. Kari Lake. An icon of truth, and a beacon of hope for the future. Never say die.
Never - and thank you for the book - I picked it up on my way out of town the other day!
Excellent! Enjoy~Merry Christmas!
What do you think about the people of Arizona calling for a recall of all of these illegitimate politicians? They also need to recall all of the Maricopa county election officials. It doesn’t seem like it is possible to have a remedy for a fraudulent election in the courts. The voter roles definitely need to be dealt with. Mail in ballots need to be stopped. I think Arizonans should be staging protests daily like they did for Bolsonaro in Brazil. This cannot be allowed to stand.
So where do we go from
The excuse judges uses about riots in the street is a joke. The only people rioting will be the 10 people who voted for Hobbs as machines themselves can’t riot.
"Thompson, regardless of whether he adhered to technicalities in rendering his decision, has now joined Mark Brnovich, Doug Ducey, and countless others in the ranks of feckless Arizonans who failed to be etched in history as courageous men who acted boldly when the Republic counted on them to put a halt to corruption that threatens the existence of not only the state, but America herself."
"His moral failure to play it safe and punt and seek refuge to the letter of laws that are only relevant to a lawful, God-fearing, and moral society ..."
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. - Proverbs 29:25