Many readers of this journal use this platform and consume other sources of alternative media primarily because they are tired of lies and the persistent lack of transparency from larger media sources. On SubStack primarily, an implied contract exists in which readers support writers so long as those writers provide actionable, timely, and transparent (can be verified elsewhere, or foundations of work are clearly discernible). One of my more popular early articles on Captain K’s Corner was a freebie that had nothing to do with election integrity but dealt rather with the economics of the grassroots freedom movement.
2022 was my busiest travel year, by far. Election integrity was front and center for the two year-period immediately following the 2020 election, and I spent parts of 271 days on the road in 2022 alone. My travels have taken me to or through all 50 states since 2021, and I’ve presented in 45 of them. Bringing awareness and solutions to the table over what I consider to be the most pressing domestic threat to our country has resulted in both good and bad things. We’ve been able to identify most of the cheating vectors, which serves as a discouragement for those inclined to manipulate elections, and it is likely major reform will be attempted in the next four years. I predicted the 2024 election perfectly in all 56 races for electoral votes in defiance of a New York Times feature piece published the month before, earning perhaps lifetime credibility in my focus area. On the other side of the coin, I’ve dealt with major division and infighting, been the recipient of countless negative media pieces, and set aside my career path to pursue what I believe is most important and most aligned with my God-given talents.
Most people reading understand young professionals who aren’t independently wealthy have no choice but to sink or swim economically if attempting to impact the political world from the outside, away from the safety of massive contracts and the restraints on speech they impose. Unfortunately, some don’t get it. I’ve been tagged as a grifter and paytriot more times than I can count, because some don’t understand the true state of finance related to presenting to various groups across the nation, and because the dissident political movement of this country, despite mostly claiming to support economic independence and maligning those who do business with corporate giants, criticize their own people for not working for free, or making every piece of their intellectual property open for everyone (remember, I have and will never paywall an article that provides an action item for all, or provides absolutely urgent information). Read the 2022 piece linked above if you want more detail.
For now, I’m going to show you something out of transparency that I don’t need to share but am choosing to do because I greatly value you, my SubStack audience, who allows me to pursue truth and transparency, mostly with regard to election integrity, on a full-time basis while I await my next calling. I am rounding up my 2024 financial numbers and have just finished tabulating money earned and spent on last year’s travels. Here are the locations of events I spoke at:
· Pasadena, CA
· Somerville, NJ
· Saratoga, NY
· Erie, PA
· Traverse City, MI
· Pagosa Springs, CO
· Key West, FL
· Spearfish, SD
· Hartford, SD
· Clarion, PA
· Glenview, IL
· Lehi, UT
· Selma, NC
· Moline, IL
· Hudson, WI
· Prescott, AZ
· Millvale, PA
17 events. Parts of 45 days on the road. This pales in comparison to my travels in previous years, but I also took a large part of summer to myself to spend with my kids, and America was engrossed in a Presidential campaign. For those who think “influencers” are running around making millions of dollars, gird yourselves:
Gross Earnings $20,350.00
Two of those events were expenses paid only. Two other events were “pass the hat” events, in which the crowd pitches in and the speaker may or may not break even, which are often done in conjunction with a paid event to mitigate risk. One other event was pro bono and was attended because of strategic importance. There are two other trips not bulleted above because I did not speak on them. For trips in which I was paid, for nearly all, I was paid an agreed upon amount and deducted my expenses from that total. Brace yourselves:
Gross Expenses $15,954.95
Net Pretax Earnings $4,395.05 ($20,350.00 - $15,954.95)
The businessman president might decline to hire me because one look at that, with 45 days of total travel, suggests I’m the worst businessman in the world, on pace to net less than $36,000 pre-tax if I travelled every day of the year doing the same work. It’s even more condemning when I tell you I have a MBA degree; however, what you need to know, is that I did every event I could over the past 3.5 years because my desire was to see election integrity issues front and center and do my part in getting President Trump back in the White House.
I didn’t write this up to virtue signal. I wrote it so those of you out there wondering who is grifting and who is not have transparency into my travels, and so that if you’re so inclined to judge “influencers” by what you think they have, that you think again. I don’t speak at the types of events in which I could command an honorarium of $10,000.00 or more; I’ve done everything I can to be everything to everyone, often to my detriment, and have lost more than $25,000 of my own money on travels over the years because I took too many deadbeats at their word. Finally, it is of utmost importance that I thank all of you who have in the past or currently subscribe to this journal as paying members. You’ve allowed me to stay in the fight permanently, and I refuse to post attention grabbing clickbait on X for ad revenues or deface myself with dumb videos on TikTok or Instagram for attention. If you have appreciated the transparency afforded here and believe in my mission, I would greatly appreciate your consideration for a paid membership here. I will not let you down.
Seth Keshel, MBA, is a former Army Captain of Military Intelligence and Afghanistan veteran. His analytical method of election forecasting and analytics is known worldwide, and he has been commended by President Donald J. Trump for his work in the field.
Capt K, your work is amazing and our country needs you. Do you have an entity, website, or something formal set up to accept donations above and beyond the $5 membership fee? I’m sure a lot of your readers and base would donate more. Myself included! Let us know. Thanks again for all you do.
I must admit, and I read a lot, I’ve never seen anyone else provide such financial transparency. You are to be commended.