Yesterday, I viciously pounded the practice of automatic voter registration (AVR). This was in response to Governor Josh Shapiro’s announcement that Pennsylvania would become the 24th state, not including Washington, D.C., to engage in AVR. I chimed in with a SubStack column, elaborated more on my Rumblechannel, and tonight, will participate in my first X (formerly known as Twitter) space with popular host Razi Berry.
There are plenty of links above for the reader to enhance his or her knowledge of AVR. I have had several readers email or comment that their state does automatic voter registration, but please note that I am taking my list from the National Conference of State Legislatures, which qualifies AVR in such a way that it matches Penn Live’s commentary that Pennsylvania joins the 23 other states and Washington, D.C., in implementing an automatic data transfer that registers a voter, who is later notified of said registration.
Here is the tale of the tape for the 2020 election, using certified results (not my estimates). Note: Minnesota, Hawaii, and Delaware are the only three AVR states that implemented the policy after the 2020 election.
States without AVR
Trump 23 (223 electoral votes)
Biden 4 (46 electoral votes)
Remarks: Trump carried 85.1% of all states not operating AVR, and by my estimates, easily carried Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. It is possible Trump carried all four states marked for Biden above, as well as Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District, which would have made for a 269-0 Electoral College margin for just these 27 states.
Factoring in Minnesota, Hawaii, and Delaware as not having AVR at the time of the 2020 election, Trump carries the electoral votes of 30 states by a 223-63 margin.
States with AVR
Trump 2 (9 electoral votes)
Biden 21 + Washington, D.C. (260 electoral votes)
Remarks: Trump carried just two states operating AVR at the time of the 2020 election – Alaska and West Virginia. Notably, Alaska registers voters through their Permanent Fund Dividend, a real blunder that will only compound with the rollout of Ranked Choice Voting and mail-in balloting expansion. Deducing the electoral votes of Minnesota, Hawaii, and Delaware, who implemented AVR after the 2020 election, Biden wins the electoral votes of 20 states plus Washington, D.C., by a score of 243-9.
Automatic voter registration opens the floodgates to fraudulent elections, especially as far as mail-in ballots and the accompanying ballot harvesting operation are concerned. Pennsylvania’s Democrat establishment understands they are clinging on for dear life and have no choice but the join the party.
Author’s Note: This is for you to bookmark and share, and is something open to all of my SubStack subscribers for research value. Please consider supporting this journal with a paid membership if you find it of value. Thank you!
So when we see automatic voter registration, we should automatically be suspicious. 🤪
....and I have no doubt that a rigged election allowed Shapiro to win to begin well as many state Representatives and Senators. That dingbat Mastriano needs to have a talk with Kari Lake. I used to like him.