With you, Sir. Nothing mentioned above changes my opinion of you. You, my friend, are one of the greats. In this movement, it is all about strength to overcome. You are a Patriot. No doubt!

My biggest strength I possessed was my Patriot Mother. She passed away suddenly 33 days ago. I walked away from the hospital an hour after holding her hand into death, thinking "The greatest loss of my life thus far and how can I go on?". But here I am. Still a Patriot. Still pushing back.

Tomorrow is my Court date. The last 3 years of my life, fighting in court, comes down to tomorrow. I am up against a true demon. I will not stop. I will take down this little demon if the Oregon judge is not a demon herself. All we can do is keep trying. Never stop. Even if I am not victorious in my exposure of the truth it paves the way for the next blessed soul to act. Following footsteps makes life easier.

Be unafraid.

Pave the way.

Keep pushing.

Keep going.

Lead. Our sons and daughters are watching.

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Thanks for this piece... the transparency. I'm 65 years and recently divorced myself. In some ways I can relate. I have 3 kids just a little younger than you and I'm proud of them all. It'd be easy for me to be proud of you if you were my son too.

My new wife and I watched you speak in Mt. Juliet, TN, in January of this year. I've read many of your writings since then. I appreciate the work you do and the mission you're on. It's important. If you're near Knoxville, TN, with an hour to kill I'd love to buy you a cup of coffee. ~Harvey

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Wow.... did I need this today! God bless you and keep you, Seth. May you have a rich and rewarding (rest of your) life... and when your time is up, our Lord will be waiting with open arms. I know you'll hear the words we all long for: "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

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Thank you for opening up. Just solidifies my faith and belief in you (which doesn't matter to anyone but me). Keep on mission son. You are having a greater impact for good than you realize. That you understand that ability and power comes from our Lord and God speaks volumes. Godspeed.

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Wow- thank you for sharing your story and your honesty in dealing with all of life’s struggles. Your attitude maintenance perspectives are so encouraging- even more so now with the understanding of the challenges you shared. God bless you and continue to guide you in your tremendous work that impacts so many ! ❤️

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Seth- Thank you for asking everyone a few years ago "If not you who? If not now when? " It spurred me to get off my "retired" butt and get involved. As you may remember, you shared some information about me becoming a precinct committeeman in North Idaho -which I still am. I too am a former military officer (Navy). And as you noted, we all have challenges and struggles. My wife of 46 years had what appears to be a stroke about 2.5 years ago and a 2nd this past September. The "standard Covid protocol" at the hospitals has killed a number of our friends so we avoid hospitals. My wife is only a shell of the person she once was. I miss her greatly and sometimes struggle with "attitude" issues because of her mental limitations. I needed the kick in the butt you provided today. Thank you!

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Such a marvelous son and person. You are a joy to read. Such articulation talent! As you know, this administration is hell-bent on destroying America. Why would any pro-American president cancel the Keystone pipeline, open the border, deplete the strategic oil reserves, spend, spend, spend, withdraw from Afghanistan in agonizing ways... Or make life difficult for his main political contender. The 2024 election has to be a watershed moment. If our elections are corrupt we are lost. Paper ballots, ID and no machines. Election officials are not IT people. You are a talented force working toward the American ideal the founders had in mind. I am proud to be a fellow citizen of one Captain Seth Keshel. Thank you.

P.S. I never thought I would to go a high school (Archmere Academy) which would graduate in 1961 a student who would become the worst President in US history.

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Someday, Captain K, you'll be in heaven, and someone you never knew here on Earth will come up to you and say "I never met you down there, Captain K, but your inspiration and example made a big difference in my life, and I wouldn't be here without that." For someone who is as gracious as you are about giving other people credit for your success, you're pretty tough on yourself sometimes. God loves you very much, and you've got a lot of people praying for you, including your Pop, who now has the best seat in the house. Thank you for serving. Happy Belated Vet's Day, and Happy Belated birthday !!

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Wow. A a great and humbling message for us all on listening to God and shouldering the yoke he has blessed us with.

Thank you, Seth, for pointing the way politically and spiritually.

May God continue to comfort you and reveal His path for you!

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I am printing out a copy of this to keep nearby for when I need to be reminded...

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Wow! Some of your articles bring me to heart-wrenching tears; bc of your testimony before God and your ability to encourage, teach, and nudge us forward to action in this righteous battle for truth and justice. I’m so glad I decided to subscribe to your sub stack. God bless you continually as you walk and talk the truth!🥰

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Seth, I'm proud of you. Not because I think you are perfect, none of us are. I am proud of you because you have fought to learn, to overcome, to do better. I appreciate your keeping your private life private. I also appreciate your being transparent now.

All of us make mistakes. All of us fail in some aspects of our life. None of us should feel superior or better than any other. God has made ALL of us in His image and He has brought us together as a spiritual family. Together we fight for the nation God placed us in...to be good stewards of it.

I'm honored to have met you and to have a picture of you with hubby and me. We may never meet again in this life, but we will in the world to come.

Keep on keeping on. You are an inspiration to us and, I'm sure, to many others.


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I am so glad you got through that lonely 2021 Christmas. So many face those moments, especially veterans, and far too many act on that depression. And far more people carry unseen burdens through their life than we know. I too knew at a young age that I did not measure up to my Dads standard.

I too joined the military and became a workout fanatic for years to compensate for not meeting that perceived standard of my Dad. But my love for my veteran Dad never wavered. And for his four WWII veteran brothers also.

Jesus offers us a way to live far beyond what we are capable of on our own. He truly is the answer to this mess of a world.

We are so impressed with your mission for election integrity. It has given me hope because it is easy to be discouraged looking at the huge corruption above us. I encourage you to keep going. I pray millions will be awakened to the truth and the struggle. Thank you Seth. Kent Conway, Weatherford.

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Thank you Seth

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Thank you and God Bless you!

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I am so thankful to have met you early on. You are THE most consistent source of encouragement, logic, and optimism in this battlefield. I know you will be blessed for your efforts. 🙏🏻❤️🇺🇸

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