Best line: “My kids insult each other by calling each other Democrats, RINOs, and Communists.” 🤣

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Slightly off topic, but this article was just released on the Gateway Pundit (link below). The article concludes with the author saying that the current voting operation discussed here began in 2018 (as Capt. K notes, this is when many voter trend aberrations notably began):


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Got it!!

You speak Gospel, Sir.

Spreading the word with the vigor I am now filled with.

And I'm off!!

Go go go go go.......................

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I can't get the video to load and play. God Bless you.

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The GOP is a lost cause. It can't be reformed. Too many entrenched Marxists.

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Well Captain, I'm trying. At the last quarterly meeting of precinct chairs in Salt Lake County, I asked the GOP chair about poll watching activity for our November special election. He said he is desperately looking for an Election Integrity Committee chair. Otherwise it sounded like this activity was going to die. In my book dropping this activity is Not Allowed so right now I am going over any reports I am aware of of concerning Dominion problems, trying to write up documentation on Dominion and Poll Pad, trying to recruit poll watchers etc. You could say I am applying for the job of Election Integrity Committee Chair.

On a more amusing note, we just had our GOP primary for US Congressional District 2 congressman to replace Chris Stewart. When the election was (supposedly) over, the number of ballots received as reported on our county clerk website differed by the number of ballots processed by about 10K. We're talking an election with only about 25% turnout through the district, somewhat over 200K voters affected. I raised a ruckus about the published numbers, our GOP county chair left a message with the county clerk to please call him, and then the numbers were magically updated on the clerk website with data that make more sense. 🙄

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