Humor is very effective in education. Thanks for all you do, Seth!

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The artful juxtaposition of ED ads and election issues is hilarious because it is absolutely on target! Come for the comedy but stay for the statistics— !!

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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! We ALL NEEDED To LAUGH!

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Keep it up Captain ! Someday, I hope you will be able to retire from this election fraud battle and when you do, switch careers to patriot humor.

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Awesome! You should do stand up comedy! CQL

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Damn, I suffer most of those symptoms!!! I do however vote each and every time!

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Brilliant! Sure to catch all those mind-numbed TV commercial viewers.

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Oh Lord, Captain what humor! Love it. Love what you’re doing. Keep it up, Brother!

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Excellent ❤️

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Hahaha! Fantastic!

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Lookin' good, brother! Praying for you.

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thanks seth for your excellent work and humor!

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Thanks for staying on the trail to get elections to be safe and effective! Your video is tremendous! We hope to get the team to demonstrate paper ballot counting in Brown county.


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I am hoping to get further details on data analysis of fraud found in TN elections - I am trying to convince our election commission that machine voting is a risk! They site no data that convinces them. Here is what was said about the keshel TN report “ His Tennessee work has conflicting claims. For instance he lists Meigs County on his report. Meigs County cast 3342 votes for Trump in 2016 or 79.6% of the 2 party vote. Meigs County cast 4467 votes in 2020 for Trump or 81.6% of the 2 party vote.

Keshal won’t explain why this county is on his list or how he compiled his list. Originally, Keshal said he used historical trends from party registrations to compile his list. However, Tennessee does not register voters by party, so that didn’t make sense to me. ”

Is there someone who has more info on this?

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Also, I have never flagged Meigs.

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You should send me an email instead of getting off the topic of this post.

I have posted it everywhere. Skeshel at proton.

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Sorry - I am not great with many new tech platforms! I don’t know how to email you or I would have !

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VI - to me, the Meigs County numbers simply confirm that Trump got much higher numbers in 2020 over 2016. If they use machines there, they may not have been tampered with/hacked.

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