Right on soldier. We will never lay down our muskets! Praying for you!

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So very good. Thank you for digging deeper and sharing this excellence. Not many words say so very much.

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Thanks my friend for sharing this inspiration ❤️💗💙! Your dad is a very wise man! I think we’re on track to breakthrough! Then we need to hunker down because they come out swinging just like the despártase losers they always do! We must do as you said get the right attitude - then hold the line! Very well said! I needed that today we are devising our plan to speak to our county! I’ll let you know! ;D

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Great thanks, very inspiring.

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We’re never laying down our muskets. It’s time to fix bayonets.

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I love your fervor...I took the oath too but we must not go to war which is exactly what the globalist want! We’ve already won and I have many reasons to be assured of that. Keep your powder dry for sure but find ways to be involved in your community. God will be glorified in this fight for our survival!

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Thank you for your service!

I wish I had served in the military - I’m a civilian. To clarify my comment - I was speaking figuratively. We must continue to fight (e.g. doing whatever we can do to push for justice and accountability, run for local office, vote, etc.) and we must do what we can to fight harder. Local action = National impact as General Flynn says.

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Understood...glad we are in this fight together!

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Thanks Seth. Great wisdom.

Are there any group Calls for Four for the Core? I want to make sure I'm not missing them.

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Wisdom. Thank you Captain!

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Great speech! very encouraging!

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