I woke this morning to find a piece of news that slipped past me yesterday, probably thanks to all the chaos, explosions, and theories buzzing around everywhere you look. This news is intriguing, even if it doesn’t pertain to one of the cornerstone promises of the Trump campaign or the immediate, four year sink or swim requirements the Trump administration will need to satisfy so the country lives to fight another day, turning back the forces of globalism that have ensnared the Republic.
Robert Santos resigned as Director of the U.S. Census Bureau, and I think we all know why:
It’s amazing to see corresponding responses when a President who means business follows through on gutting his enemies and kneecapping those who stand in the way – just ask the president of Colombia if the term-limited commander-in-chief is acting like he gives a damn about table manners and decorum as pertains to the polite company and high society of Washington, D.C.
Well, Captain K, those people who run the National Park Service haven’t quit, so how do we know this isn’t all for show?
Steadily and surely, those who run the most corrupt agencies are having their agendas smashed and hopes dashed. I know it because I have former military colleagues forwarding me screenshots from their internal e-mail servers displaying urgent messages about what is and is not to be tolerated, sometimes containing instructions for resignation if the employee refuses to comply with said changes. I’ve seen them from military reserve components and the Department of the Interior, specifically. So, what about Santos?
First off, yours truly briefed the staff of Congressman Comer back in December for a hearing on the 2020 U.S. Census and its considerable corruption. Using research compiled by some of the best in the business, I pegged Santos as one of the key linchpins in concealing the census-rigging scam from the public. Before I proceed into greater detail, you tell me if you think Santos was qualified for the top job in the first place. From the AP News:
Robert Santos, who emphasized inclusivity and outreach to overlooked communities…
What does accurately counting population for purposes of apportioning Congressional representation and deciding electoral vote counts have to do with inclusivity? The days of slaves counting as 60% of a white man are long gone; illegal aliens should be included, but in the populations of the countries to which they belong, not ours. And thus begins the scam.
One of the most popular articles I’ve ever written on SubStack was posted less than two weeks after Trump’s 2024 victory, and is bluntly dubbed, “The U.S. Census Bureau Stole At Least 16 Electoral Votes and 15 U.S. House Seats.” I highly recommend you read that piece before advancing further so you can understand just how drastic the small tweaks are, and exactly why a Republican presidential popular vote victory could possibly be paired with such a miniscule U.S. House majority that took weeks to secure.
The Top Three Reasons Santos Skipped Town
I. His Termination Was Inevitable
No reputable organization would have a problem with illegal aliens being excluded from the count if in fact there were no substantial population of illegal aliens included in the count, which overwhelmingly props up blue states and denies other states of their proper representation and presidential impact. Trump has been gung-ho about illegals in his first two weeks in office, creating highlight reels of their deportations, dunking on Colombia on the world stage, issuing an Executive Order to terminate birthright citizenship (since stalled in court), and ratcheting up his own quotas for operation deportation.
There is simply no way in this author’s mind, with fulfilling illegal immigration pledges, that Trump was going to let the other side have its way by retaining illegal aliens in population counts at the expense of the forgotten men and women of his coalition. The presence of so much left-wing resistance to a commonsense issue, that illegal aliens aren’t citizens and shouldn’t be afforded representation in our country, tells you all you need to know that they are sitting on a problem much more significant than even my preliminary estimates suggest.
II. The “Errors” Are Too Obvious
Another hallmark article on Captain K’s Corner is one that constitutes my first foray into census mathematics, published in March 2023. It is a bit drier than the November 2024 treatise but should provide skeptics with what they need to understand how my mind works in deciphering truth from fiction. Remember, the Census Bureau admitted they botched the 2020 Census. Any debate from that point forward should favor the skeptics and their assessments, like mine.
Some of the “errors” are laughable, such as the 2020 census trying to convince you that Maricopa County, in the 2010s, underwent its lowest net growth in a decade since the 1970s, but somehow is capable of gushing out 2.1 million votes, or Georgia (and also Arizona) not receiving new electoral votes for the 2020s, but Colorado and Oregon gain one each? Don’t even get me started about tiny Rhode Island holding all four of its electors, but North Carolina and Florida only adding one apiece. Only the states pictured in green have realistic population trendlines, but even they are subject to inaccurate apportionment because their accurate apportionment depends on accurate population counts from the improperly counted states:
III. The Impact is Catastrophic
The title of my November article says it all. If you read through my research notes and findings, you’ll find that, even if we assume there is no fraud in the 2024 election (not true), that Trump’s 31 states (plus Maine’s 2nd Congressional District and minus Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District) should have been worth 320 electoral votes, not 312.
As things stand today, Trump had 86 more electoral votes than Harris. My numbers suggest he should have defeated her by 102, meaning we have been cheated by at least 16 electoral votes – the current totals assigned to both Georgia and North Carolina. Georgia, in my view, happens to be the most dangerously positioned Electoral College state in terms of Republican presidential outlook thanks to its laws and the increasing dominance of the Atlanta metro; can you imagine not having the pressure to carry it to form a winning hand? Or how about winning Michigan, which has 83% of its population registered to vote when only 77% of any population is even over the age of 18, being nice to see instead of a business necessity?
Correct population counts free of illegal aliens would exclusively hurt Democrat states. Red states with lots of illegals, primarily Texas, would continue to gain electors due to sheer population growth, which comes mostly from blue states, rendering the population swings under a seesaw effect (one goes up, one goes down). This is why my contention is that Trump, even considering state legislatures in California and New York redrawing lines based on new apportionment, should enjoy what amounts to a roughly 236-199 House majority today rather than one so small it is incapable of passing any of his agenda through legislative means.
The deliberate incompetence of the U.S. Census Bureau is one of the best kept secrets our country has when it comes to scandals. I pointed this out to a conference room of dumbfounded Arizona legislators in February 2023 and have only continued to see these assessments confirmed by separate individual investigations. The underlying drive of the American Revolution itself was that our people petitioned the Crown for redress of grievances, and receiving none, had no choice but to take matters into their own hands; in other words, we had no representation.
It is distinctly un-American to be deprived of proper representation. In this regard, we aren’t even having unfair apportionment only because some Americans are getting more representation than they deserve at the expense of other Americans; we are having a representation crisis primarily because our evil bureaucrats are counting foreigners here illegally in our population and disenfranchising our own citizens.
As Jonathan Cagle quipped to me about Santos – we have unfinished business with him. Knowing this, Santos got out of town as quickly as possible. Too bad for him that the emerging alternative media has a long memory; however, we also believe in due process, and I look forward to watching Santos squirm as he attempts to dismiss that which I’ve presented to my readership in this article.
Seth Keshel, MBA, is a former Army Captain of Military Intelligence and Afghanistan veteran. His analytical method of election forecasting and analytics is known worldwide, and he has been commended by President Donald J. Trump for his work in the field.
Be prepared for incoming, as you are totally over target😂
Excellent reporting Captain, we won’t read about this in the Daily News but thanks to you we will get to hear Santos’ explanation for this treachery. Keep up the good work, I am proud to subscribe to your service.