God bless you Seth. When I hired you to come speak at our Washoe County Lincoln Day Dinner, I fully expected full-on election integrity. Much to my surprise and delight, you delivered inspiration. You spoke for more than hour about the founding fathers and their fight for independence. The crowd was very moved and inspired when you were done. We have been fighting HARD for election integrity in our county and still don’t have that brass ring. We were all downtrodden and your speech managed to pick us up and get us back on track. I’m not sure if a little “birdie” told you we needed a little nudge, but you were just the medicine we needed. I have no doubt God has the PERFECT plan for you if you can be still and listen😁

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Good for you Seth! You have fought long and well and you richly deserve time to heal your body and soul, and to spend quality time with your loved ones. You will feel the chronic urges to do and go subside as you gently allow yourself to slow down.

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Thank you for sharing yourself with all of us. Your work is A+ in my book and I am confident God has much more for you to do. Including taking great care of your family. The greatest responsibility of all!

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This sounds a lot like wisdom to me. Kudos on your decision and best wishes. I'm confident, whether Trump 47 Administration knows it or not, you would be very valuable to it. I hope you get that call. In the meantime, live your life and be well. Thanks for all you have done!

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This entire piece so perfectly reflects the YOU we have grown to know, love and pray for. God’s speed in all you do, but especially as you learn His rest, little brother. 🙏🏻❤️

Az1seeit on Truth Social

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You have done what no one else has. Rewards will come.

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"Press On. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Presistence and determination alone are omnipotent." Do what you can when you can. That saying is framed and has hung on my office wall for 35 years.

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You are loved and respected and admired more than you could ever imagine...You gave people, not only HOPE, but FACTS. You have many people behind you in your quest for 47, and I have complete faith it will happen...and if not, something better is waiting for you. You are a gift and a hero to the American people. You know your priorities and family is number 1....You take care, my friend, of yourself and your family...and a HUGE THANK YOU from all of us patriots.

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Thank you so much for your constant friendship, as well. I am remaining in the fight, only changing my HQ and my tempo.

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You deserve happiness and peace, regardless of what your next role may be. I am confident that God has something mighty important for you to do! So enjoy your family, enjoy the Holidays and get some R & R! God bless you and keep you!

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Seth, I am from Las Cruces New Mexico. I am hoping that you and Professor Clements both get a job in the new administration regarding election integrity. There’s a whole bunch of citizens that fought hard the last four years here, and I have to remind myself that Trump got elected - so I can ease off the gas pedal.

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Thanks for your work and your openness. You are not the only one needing to adjust and wrote on that after the election. Here is the voiceover with a link to the text article:


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P.S. - Have you thought of writing a novel? You really have a gift for writing.

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You made me tear up. It has been a wild 4 years since the stolen 2020 election. Reflecting on these last 4 years. I saw you on Warroom and started following you then.

How much has life changed? In 2021 I started canvassing for Defend Florida finding phantom voters. Never done anything like that ever. Really out of my wheelhouse. However, with our affidavits, Florida passed some election integrity laws.

I think we all collectively changed the arc of history. I feel somewhat the same way as you, time to get back to more civilian life. I also see stolen house races in California. The fight continues… albeit in some other form. At the very least, let’s have President Trumps back.

Captain K. Many thanks for your work!! I am still paying for a subscription

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Seth, I’m beyond thrilled that you are making these adjustments in your life. You have given ALL to the mission these past 4 years. I am hoping that the Trump administration avail themselves of your unique and amazing talents, but if not, I know you will follow whatever direction the Lord leads. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”

‭‭Numbers‬ ‭6‬:‭24‬-‭26‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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This sounds very healthy and well thought out, Seth. I applaud you—in all you have done, in what you will do, and in your quest to find balance in your life, now that one of your primary goals has been fulfilled: to help get President Trump back in office. I will continue to enjoy reading what you have to share here on Substack; I was never much a social media follower so this is how I know you.

Congratulations on all you’ve accomplished, as well as on your recent marriage!

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Wise call, Seth. You’ve done more than your part and left it all on the field of honor. Take a break. Take account. Reassess. Recreate. Let the changes come as God ordains. God bless you and your family, who are your first responsibility. Merry Christmas!

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Your dedication, honesty and passion are beyond inspiring. Thank you for ALL you've done and for all the contributions I know you will make in the future. As long as I am on this earth, you have my support, encouragement, and prayers. God bless you and your family. May this holiday season bring you joy and peace. May 2025 be filled with good health, much happiness and bountiful blessings.

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