"Consider me an accelerationist who no longer believes this country can survive the red team versus blue team war that has been upon us for the last three decades. We will accelerate actionable solutions and sink or swim while trying, because what we have been doing to oppose the left isn’t working, and isn’t founded in pragmatic, rational thought. Populism, bound by allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, is our only way forward." @RealSKeshel
Seth, many points you made in this post I have made in similar ways. The enemies of the #USA try to divide #WeThePeople in any way they can (#Marxist divide and conquer tactics). Recently, I was asked to speak to a local Republican Club whose members have seen corruption in the ranks of the #GOP Central Committee--from not upholding stated Party values to outright sabotaging legitimate #constitutional candidates and running/endorsing "candidates in name only" to ensure no independent thinker is on the general election ballot (more proof of the #UniParty)--but haven't acted decisively to do anything about it. They say, "We can't make the Republican Party look bad," and "The Democratic Party is much worse." Responding to one member who seemed to put #Republican Party loyalty above all, I replied, "It's time to stop clutching your Party cards and start clutching the #US #Constitution."
Americans must unite on the USA's founding principles if we are going to stop the #leftist #globalist agenda to "fundamentally transform #America." The biggest threat to the UniParty is people loyal to America and the US Constitution--look how they attacked #DonaldTrump (Republican) and are now attacking #RFKjr (Democrat). Freedom is only one generation away from extinction, and this is the war of our time. We would do well to remember the slogan we repeated after 9-11-2001: #UnitedWeStand, #DividedWeFall.
I was closely following politics since I was a teenager in the early 90s. I remember well Newt Gingrich's "Contract for America," how the GOP decisively won the House and Senate for the first time in 40 years in 1994, and how the U.S. Senate ultimately fell one vote shy of passing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. In hindsight, it was telling how the GOP establishment - even back then - was not thrilled with Gingrich, and seemed to be looking to undermine the conservative agenda he was pushing. The mere fact that the GOP rallied around an uninspiring establishment hack in Bob Dole as the party' Presidential nominee in 1996 was telling. Meanwhile, the attacks on Gingrich from the media complex were relentless - I remember - and Gingrich made the mistake of trying to become "likeable" to those who despised him. By '98 (?), he was out of the Speaker's Chair. Then when Bush and the GOP held the House, Senate, and White House in the early 2000s, they practically abandoned everything they had pushed for in the Contract for America. Then we had the disastrous Bush years with the trillion $ deficits and the lies of "Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq" (which is what red-pilled me and I didn't for a single GOP candidate again the next 16 years). Then came 2008 with John McCain vs Obama - two absolutely horrible candidates, and I sat out the election entirely. As a resident of Illinois at that time, Obama's radical positions were known to us. McCain and Palin were two war-mongering hacks, with McCain caught on camera joking "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran", and Palin telling Charlie Gibson "we may have to" go to war with Russia during the attack on Georgia. Supporting the Republican Party has been a fool's errand for conservatives for decades.
Having had my conservativism born in a stew of Libertarianism inspired by Ron Paul, I positively HATED the Republican party in the 2000's. In 2008 I voted third party as I could not stomach Obama or McCain, having seen examples of McCain's arrogance and bad temper, and having been warned about Obama's political ideology. In 2012 I wrote NONE OF THE ABOVE on the presidential ballot.
As much as I liked Ron Paul I do wish I had been listening harder when he was yelling and screaming about the Patriot Act.
It was Democrat Senator Ron Wyden who was one of the key figures pushing to expose NSA's surveillance of ordinary American citizenry. It was Rand Paul, son of Ron and raised in Libertarianism, who wanted to yank the NSA's high tech spy toys and it was "conservatives" like Ted Cruz who were concerned the NSA wouldn't have the tools it needed to "do its job. "(!!) And "conservatives" like Orrin Hatch who patted us on our heads to assure us that ordinary Americans need not be concerned about the NSA.
Trump is the best thing to have happened to conservatives, really to all of us. He says things out loud that many of us are thinking.
In 2012 I wrote in Ron Paul's name. Romney was clearly a phony - he was branding himself as a conservative after pushing healthcare mandates and pro-choice initiatives as Massachusetts Governor. I was skeptical about Trump in 2016, but voted for him in 2020.
Our eyes have been opened to so much in the last few years. Trump has been the most instrumental in that. Sadly most of the revelations have been about the Republican party. At least now we know. But now we need to really pray and be righteous activist. Thanks Seth!
Over the intervening years I've come to use the term "Globalist-CCP Axis," and resign myself to the fact that MOST politicians are in its service, compromised by it. Some knowingly, some unwittingly as they accept lucre in advancement of their personal (OR FAMILY, e.g. Biden) ambitions.
In turn, I've concluded (FWIW) that red-pilling the American public about what's actually underway (subversion of our country by the aforesaid Axis), and helping the realize that voting "R" is a ruse intended to make us believe that we have a voice, and that such a vote is a meaningful act.
As next-level red-pilling, I believe that nudging them to the realization that a social / political "root cause analysis" leads to the conclusion that we are fighting Satanic forces, and minions thereof. They're all over Capitol Hill, and boardrooms, and the WEF and the UN and central banks.
That realization, in turn, may serve as the catalyst for a new Great Awakening amongst a critical mass of our fellow Americans, and our fellow children of God across the globe.
It is also a message that so needs to be shared. Much confusion has been sown in our past. And who is the author of confusion ? I have seen this ideology struggle for years and was unable to put the issue concisely as you have. Thank you.
Good post Captain! You have grounded, no-nonsense political views. If in a position whereby you would run for public office in my neck of the woods, you sure would have my vote. Of course, that is if my vote wasn’t flipped, adjucated or otherwise bastardized.
What an absolutely great article. Many feel as you describe but it’s easy to get bogged down in terminology and hard to push back against well funded divisiveness.
Thank you for recognizing that the founders, whatever their faith or beliefs, wanted American people to be free to choose their own lives. Perhaps a religious revival will be helpful in motivating people but conformity of thought and a theocracy is actually unAmerican. I agree that a populist sentiment and an individual freedom focus avoids infighting. Lets save what we believed we had here. Thanks again.
This GOP facade of a "wide idealogical tent" cannot continue to endure.
I think we are going to see the GOP ripped apart, it will be along the anti-Trump seam, and it will bring about a much-needed idealogical purging. Ultimately that will be good.
We may have to lose more races before that happens. No matter what happens in the presidential election in 2024, a large group of people are going to be angry at the outcome and become unhinged, or become even more unhinged. It could get very ugly.
I just hope that with the split, and major political realignments (globalist totalitarianism versus nationalist freedom), the fake conservatives and their communist socialist friends will be fully exposed for the lizards they are.
I'll tell you something else that isn't being conserved: anybody's physical health. True Conservatives have, to my knowledge, lumped decidedly anti-traditional ways of eating in with our values, chugging every unholy foodstuff any multinational conglomerate can manufacture just as fast as they can slap a cartoon character on it and deliver it to Wal-Mart. Weirdly it was the leftist, the LEFTISTS, who now cannot identify a biological woman, who were advocating for traditional food and cooking methods that might begin to heal our chemical-saturated bodies. If we're so traditional, why are all the conservatives so scared of raw milk or homemade sauerkraut? Could it be the lefties were right when they were shouting that we were co-opted by corrupt Big Business, when we thought we were advocating for free markets?
One of your best pieces yet, Captain K. Great line......"Trump didn't bring division, but division brought him." That's a bumper sticker right there. I agree that the populists have to win this war, but I'm not sure how it will happen. If Trump survives all obstacles and returns in 2025 (had he acted on E.O. 13848 in Dec 2020 and seized the tabulators in a few cities, he never would have left), he will run into enough swamp resistance to slow him down some......recall Paul Ryan. I have written before that the Founders' grave error was the Electoral College, which pretty much guarantees a two-party system. To those who say that people in places like Wyoming will lose their voice with no E.C., ask them how much they like the current Uniparty rule in Wyoming. I think Pillow Man is right about this......the country is way more red than anyone thinks. If there was no E.C., and if only legal votes were counted, we'd find out just how red. The E.C. disenfranchises more voters than anything else ever could.......If you don't live in a swing state, your vote for POTUS doesn't count. Oh sure, you gotta vote, even in Kansas, to make sure the reds win, but you get the point. I am convinced that there are millions of red voters in places like CA and NY and IL that would turn a popular vote into a red landslide if there was no E.C. Red voters in those states just stay home......a lot of them anyway. And with no E.C., you instantly have viable 3rd parties, and no career politicians. It would be almost impossible for anyone in Congress to hold a seat for very long if the election winners won with something like 30% of the vote. Congress would start to look like America......not a group of snobby lawyers who care about only one thing....re-election. Worried about a crackpot winning the WH with 25% of the vote ?? I submit to you that with a Congress not ruled by the two-party/Uniparty crowd, the crackpot wouldn't get anything done. Congress wouldn't give the crackpot any money. Hell, they might even become MORE Constitutional.......isn't Congress supposed to declare war ?? They might even impeach the s.o.b. Get rid of the E.C. That will take the dirty money and the career politicians out of government. And the populists would win enough elections to effectively run the republic. That's what I think.
You said it! Im fine with that. I had a gift in 2015 when I literally walked smack into Donald Trump in a restaurant. He stopped and spent time talking to me. I never watched his TV show nor cared for celebrities, in general. I am someone who “assesses people” for a living. He impressed me as warm, polite, soft spoken, funny and I could not miss that he was super bright. At the time, he looked fit and youthful. I had no idea he’d run for president. As soon as he announced, I supported him. So, having had this little impromptu meeting with the man, I never bought into the media smears. I am at peace with supporting him. I hope others can be.
"Consider me an accelerationist who no longer believes this country can survive the red team versus blue team war that has been upon us for the last three decades. We will accelerate actionable solutions and sink or swim while trying, because what we have been doing to oppose the left isn’t working, and isn’t founded in pragmatic, rational thought. Populism, bound by allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, is our only way forward." @RealSKeshel
Seth, many points you made in this post I have made in similar ways. The enemies of the #USA try to divide #WeThePeople in any way they can (#Marxist divide and conquer tactics). Recently, I was asked to speak to a local Republican Club whose members have seen corruption in the ranks of the #GOP Central Committee--from not upholding stated Party values to outright sabotaging legitimate #constitutional candidates and running/endorsing "candidates in name only" to ensure no independent thinker is on the general election ballot (more proof of the #UniParty)--but haven't acted decisively to do anything about it. They say, "We can't make the Republican Party look bad," and "The Democratic Party is much worse." Responding to one member who seemed to put #Republican Party loyalty above all, I replied, "It's time to stop clutching your Party cards and start clutching the #US #Constitution."
Americans must unite on the USA's founding principles if we are going to stop the #leftist #globalist agenda to "fundamentally transform #America." The biggest threat to the UniParty is people loyal to America and the US Constitution--look how they attacked #DonaldTrump (Republican) and are now attacking #RFKjr (Democrat). Freedom is only one generation away from extinction, and this is the war of our time. We would do well to remember the slogan we repeated after 9-11-2001: #UnitedWeStand, #DividedWeFall.
I was closely following politics since I was a teenager in the early 90s. I remember well Newt Gingrich's "Contract for America," how the GOP decisively won the House and Senate for the first time in 40 years in 1994, and how the U.S. Senate ultimately fell one vote shy of passing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. In hindsight, it was telling how the GOP establishment - even back then - was not thrilled with Gingrich, and seemed to be looking to undermine the conservative agenda he was pushing. The mere fact that the GOP rallied around an uninspiring establishment hack in Bob Dole as the party' Presidential nominee in 1996 was telling. Meanwhile, the attacks on Gingrich from the media complex were relentless - I remember - and Gingrich made the mistake of trying to become "likeable" to those who despised him. By '98 (?), he was out of the Speaker's Chair. Then when Bush and the GOP held the House, Senate, and White House in the early 2000s, they practically abandoned everything they had pushed for in the Contract for America. Then we had the disastrous Bush years with the trillion $ deficits and the lies of "Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq" (which is what red-pilled me and I didn't for a single GOP candidate again the next 16 years). Then came 2008 with John McCain vs Obama - two absolutely horrible candidates, and I sat out the election entirely. As a resident of Illinois at that time, Obama's radical positions were known to us. McCain and Palin were two war-mongering hacks, with McCain caught on camera joking "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran", and Palin telling Charlie Gibson "we may have to" go to war with Russia during the attack on Georgia. Supporting the Republican Party has been a fool's errand for conservatives for decades.
Having had my conservativism born in a stew of Libertarianism inspired by Ron Paul, I positively HATED the Republican party in the 2000's. In 2008 I voted third party as I could not stomach Obama or McCain, having seen examples of McCain's arrogance and bad temper, and having been warned about Obama's political ideology. In 2012 I wrote NONE OF THE ABOVE on the presidential ballot.
As much as I liked Ron Paul I do wish I had been listening harder when he was yelling and screaming about the Patriot Act.
It was Democrat Senator Ron Wyden who was one of the key figures pushing to expose NSA's surveillance of ordinary American citizenry. It was Rand Paul, son of Ron and raised in Libertarianism, who wanted to yank the NSA's high tech spy toys and it was "conservatives" like Ted Cruz who were concerned the NSA wouldn't have the tools it needed to "do its job. "(!!) And "conservatives" like Orrin Hatch who patted us on our heads to assure us that ordinary Americans need not be concerned about the NSA.
Trump is the best thing to have happened to conservatives, really to all of us. He says things out loud that many of us are thinking.
In 2012 I wrote in Ron Paul's name. Romney was clearly a phony - he was branding himself as a conservative after pushing healthcare mandates and pro-choice initiatives as Massachusetts Governor. I was skeptical about Trump in 2016, but voted for him in 2020.
Exactly! I was thinking of Romney as the white bread version of Obama ! 🤣
I remember that year, as I was writing NONE OF THE ABOVE for president, thinking, "THIS COUNTRY IS IN TROUBLE." But I had no idea what to do about it.
Our eyes have been opened to so much in the last few years. Trump has been the most instrumental in that. Sadly most of the revelations have been about the Republican party. At least now we know. But now we need to really pray and be righteous activist. Thanks Seth!
Another great piece, Captain K. I had to chuckle when I saw the "Vichy" reference; back in 2017 I made the same comparison in a series on Trevor Loudon's site ( https://www.trevorloudon.com/2017/11/down-with-vichy-republican-collaborators-part-i-of-iv/ ).
Over the intervening years I've come to use the term "Globalist-CCP Axis," and resign myself to the fact that MOST politicians are in its service, compromised by it. Some knowingly, some unwittingly as they accept lucre in advancement of their personal (OR FAMILY, e.g. Biden) ambitions.
In turn, I've concluded (FWIW) that red-pilling the American public about what's actually underway (subversion of our country by the aforesaid Axis), and helping the realize that voting "R" is a ruse intended to make us believe that we have a voice, and that such a vote is a meaningful act.
As next-level red-pilling, I believe that nudging them to the realization that a social / political "root cause analysis" leads to the conclusion that we are fighting Satanic forces, and minions thereof. They're all over Capitol Hill, and boardrooms, and the WEF and the UN and central banks.
That realization, in turn, may serve as the catalyst for a new Great Awakening amongst a critical mass of our fellow Americans, and our fellow children of God across the globe.
Seth, this may be your best writing yet.
It is also a message that so needs to be shared. Much confusion has been sown in our past. And who is the author of confusion ? I have seen this ideology struggle for years and was unable to put the issue concisely as you have. Thank you.
Top notch!
Good post Captain! You have grounded, no-nonsense political views. If in a position whereby you would run for public office in my neck of the woods, you sure would have my vote. Of course, that is if my vote wasn’t flipped, adjucated or otherwise bastardized.
What an absolutely great article. Many feel as you describe but it’s easy to get bogged down in terminology and hard to push back against well funded divisiveness.
Thank you for recognizing that the founders, whatever their faith or beliefs, wanted American people to be free to choose their own lives. Perhaps a religious revival will be helpful in motivating people but conformity of thought and a theocracy is actually unAmerican. I agree that a populist sentiment and an individual freedom focus avoids infighting. Lets save what we believed we had here. Thanks again.
JUST excellent!
This GOP facade of a "wide idealogical tent" cannot continue to endure.
I think we are going to see the GOP ripped apart, it will be along the anti-Trump seam, and it will bring about a much-needed idealogical purging. Ultimately that will be good.
We may have to lose more races before that happens. No matter what happens in the presidential election in 2024, a large group of people are going to be angry at the outcome and become unhinged, or become even more unhinged. It could get very ugly.
I just hope that with the split, and major political realignments (globalist totalitarianism versus nationalist freedom), the fake conservatives and their communist socialist friends will be fully exposed for the lizards they are.
Amen! Amen! Amen!
I'll tell you something else that isn't being conserved: anybody's physical health. True Conservatives have, to my knowledge, lumped decidedly anti-traditional ways of eating in with our values, chugging every unholy foodstuff any multinational conglomerate can manufacture just as fast as they can slap a cartoon character on it and deliver it to Wal-Mart. Weirdly it was the leftist, the LEFTISTS, who now cannot identify a biological woman, who were advocating for traditional food and cooking methods that might begin to heal our chemical-saturated bodies. If we're so traditional, why are all the conservatives so scared of raw milk or homemade sauerkraut? Could it be the lefties were right when they were shouting that we were co-opted by corrupt Big Business, when we thought we were advocating for free markets?
Get some merch ready, Seth. Great new name for a movement that is accelerating.
One of your best pieces yet, Captain K. Great line......"Trump didn't bring division, but division brought him." That's a bumper sticker right there. I agree that the populists have to win this war, but I'm not sure how it will happen. If Trump survives all obstacles and returns in 2025 (had he acted on E.O. 13848 in Dec 2020 and seized the tabulators in a few cities, he never would have left), he will run into enough swamp resistance to slow him down some......recall Paul Ryan. I have written before that the Founders' grave error was the Electoral College, which pretty much guarantees a two-party system. To those who say that people in places like Wyoming will lose their voice with no E.C., ask them how much they like the current Uniparty rule in Wyoming. I think Pillow Man is right about this......the country is way more red than anyone thinks. If there was no E.C., and if only legal votes were counted, we'd find out just how red. The E.C. disenfranchises more voters than anything else ever could.......If you don't live in a swing state, your vote for POTUS doesn't count. Oh sure, you gotta vote, even in Kansas, to make sure the reds win, but you get the point. I am convinced that there are millions of red voters in places like CA and NY and IL that would turn a popular vote into a red landslide if there was no E.C. Red voters in those states just stay home......a lot of them anyway. And with no E.C., you instantly have viable 3rd parties, and no career politicians. It would be almost impossible for anyone in Congress to hold a seat for very long if the election winners won with something like 30% of the vote. Congress would start to look like America......not a group of snobby lawyers who care about only one thing....re-election. Worried about a crackpot winning the WH with 25% of the vote ?? I submit to you that with a Congress not ruled by the two-party/Uniparty crowd, the crackpot wouldn't get anything done. Congress wouldn't give the crackpot any money. Hell, they might even become MORE Constitutional.......isn't Congress supposed to declare war ?? They might even impeach the s.o.b. Get rid of the E.C. That will take the dirty money and the career politicians out of government. And the populists would win enough elections to effectively run the republic. That's what I think.
Seth, what are your "actionable solutions"? Cpt D
You said it! Im fine with that. I had a gift in 2015 when I literally walked smack into Donald Trump in a restaurant. He stopped and spent time talking to me. I never watched his TV show nor cared for celebrities, in general. I am someone who “assesses people” for a living. He impressed me as warm, polite, soft spoken, funny and I could not miss that he was super bright. At the time, he looked fit and youthful. I had no idea he’d run for president. As soon as he announced, I supported him. So, having had this little impromptu meeting with the man, I never bought into the media smears. I am at peace with supporting him. I hope others can be.