I’m so grateful they are not procreating

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And these are the same deranged cretins who think it is ok to punish their offspring who have had the temerity to be born the wrong sex and who therefore deserve nothing less than hacking off body parts in what can only be described as the unadulterated work of Satan. At least those offspring who manage to make it past the abortionist's forceps...

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The only “men” that are chasing these crazy liberal women, are the men that are feminized. Real men don’t put up with whacked women.

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Love this. How I wish these crazies would look through the lens of a reasonable human. They would be astounded.

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Don’t think they’ve thought this thru. By sterilizing themselves (which I’m all in favor of, btw) wont they be depriving themselves of a future abortion? I mean, purely for business reasons I would think the abortion rights people would oppose this.

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Downright Darwinian win win, sounds to me. Right up there with the MNRA jab/booster takers- leaving us irascible, skeptical, surly, noncompliers to repopulate the countries, and rear responsible Americans to revive our society.

I’ve Nothing but sympathy for those unnecessarily inoculated- I’ve attended the eulogy/burial of 5 family and friends since 2021. So far. 26 more family with a possible clock ticking. I pray for God’s intercession.

Not so much for the hopelessly brainwashed.

It’s hard Not to think of it as an improvement of the human species.

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This ought to be good and I haven’t even read it yet.😂

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Captain, these are inspired words. It’s fitting to review some scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.

You can’t plant a seed where it’s infertile or nourish any dead thing. With viable seed sown in fertile soil and watered, God will produce abundant yields. It’s good to read further in the chapter and grow from there, sow we’re all on the same page at the same time. Thanks for sharing this information Seth!

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