Another good 'un! For some odd reason a clip from booking day reporting kept floating through my mind as I read your article. The black man in the Niggas4Trump t-shirt saying, "Fanny Willis! She went to school with my sister. She's full of shit..." Told you it was odd! But brilliant in its own way.
Another good 'un! For some odd reason a clip from booking day reporting kept floating through my mind as I read your article. The black man in the Niggas4Trump t-shirt saying, "Fanny Willis! She went to school with my sister. She's full of shit..." Told you it was odd! But brilliant in its own way.
Another good 'un! For some odd reason a clip from booking day reporting kept floating through my mind as I read your article. The black man in the Niggas4Trump t-shirt saying, "Fanny Willis! She went to school with my sister. She's full of shit..." Told you it was odd! But brilliant in its own way.
Love lists. These 5 are brilliant.