Thanks for another great motivating read Seth. I feel like the dam is beginning to break. Brian Kemp (GA governor) now says the machines can be hacked. He’s about 2.5 years too late IMO.

I wonder what his (and many other Rebubicans) BS excuse is for staying quiet for so long?

I think this would be a good topic for a future substack...the top ten excuses for not acknowledging the obvious massive election fraud or something like that.

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Here's an example of what a volunteer election worker did in 2022 --! Beto O'Rourke was verifiably accused of electioneering in Waco TX by an astute poll worker keen on keeping things legal and above board.


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"Don’t fault me for creating yet another acronym; you can take the officer out of the Army, but you can never take the Army out of the officer." Ha, ha. I speak acronym, too; blame it on over 25 years in the DoD and IC! ;)

My husband and I held an Election Summit recap and action plan session on Sunday afternoon that was well attended. This is for We The People and therefore nonpartisan. Just as the principles of freedom led people across the political spectrum to gather and rally during COVID lockdowns, the principle of election integrity, i.e., the belief that the outcome of our elections should reflect the will of We The People, not those who have rigged the system, is unifying as well. We are using best practices that you and Dr. Frank have presented many times. Thank you for all you do, CPT K!

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I volunteered in my blue state. They probably saw I am a registered "R" so didn't pick me.

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Another solid read Seth. The PC positions are there for the taking. They are the lowest level of voter representation closest to the voter. Pima County now has strong party leadership that started at the grass roots level and we are incorporating all that you outlined in the battle plan. We need to reach the now independents that have left the GOP out of frustration and take the party back. I’m scratching my head at all the Maricopa vacancies.

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Thank you, Seth, for making it easy to understand and “do-able!”

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Thank you Seth! Excellent!

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Good, doable plan.

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You actually believe there will be a 2024 election?

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A 2024 “election,” sure. We had one even in 1864. Want to make a wager?

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Very well done.

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Love this. But as a staunch "No Party Preference" voter, even though I'm an America First conservative I am locked out of all the precinct committeemen activities. But there are a host of other things that can be done, and I'm doing them. Thank you, Captain Keshel, for the reminder...

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