My Words of Gratitude
Clouds of massive change appear on the horizon with regard to election reform. In these words, I want to make it clear how grateful I am for those of you who've stuck with me for several long years.
76 days have passed since I wrote the piece titled, “Change of Orders.” In that piece, I wrote about my need to step away from the constant compulsion to have my face in my phone all day screening articles and reports so I could simultaneously feed up to four social media platforms that generate notifications, drama, and more potential interactions on an indefinite basis. That wasn’t a woe is me story; in fact, being blessed with a huge voice at such an important time in the history of our Republic is a humbling thing, and though I’ve not been perfect in controlling my emotions and restraining my human nature, I feel I’ve acquitted myself well and been a reliable source of information and direction, free of the constant breakouts of infighting and division.
In these two and a half months since I posted that article, I’ve drastically reduced my screen time, spent more time outdoors, in the gym, reading, with my family, and supporting Rachel in the Arizona House of Representatives. As promised, none of my priority changes have impacted the volume or quality of my work, which I’ve dedicated to posting right here on SubStack, one of the greatest inventions of the digital age – relatively free of censorship and merit-based, in which those who provide the best content are rewarded fairly. In fact, out of 21 fully elapsed days in February, I’ve posted articles on 19 of them and even sent a couple emails to my subscriber list. As always, I've alternated between free and paid content to engage everyone with useful information and meaningful to-dos.
I love writing. It is a gift and passion I received from my father, who wrote masterpieces like this as he was dying, and I was biding my time in Afghanistan, now 15 summers ago:
Your attitude is everything.
I had planned to roll out a free piece today that I’ve pushed into Sunday because I was reflecting on attitude. Currently, the hard work of many appears to be paying dividends as President Trump circles wagons on discussing elections. He went hard yesterday on the nation’s governors, pushing same-day voting, paper ballots, and several other reforms. I happen to know of some inside baseball that, if it comes to fruition, will make the Kavanaugh confirmation look like a time of national unity and togetherness. In fact, I have just finished preparing a presentation for President Trump’s review, that God willing, I will have the honor of briefing myself.
My attitude to you, recognizing how far we have come since the lowest of the lows, January 2021, is one of gratitude. Let me tell you this – I struggle greatly with the various arguments pertaining to grifting and accusations of profiteering among those who have developed large followings. I often become frustrated with people accusing anyone of monetizing of grifting, because ultimately money doesn’t grow on trees and if you get a big enough platform, you’re going to wind up cancelled from the corporate ladder (that’s me); I also understand the importance of engaging the widest base possible, which includes those the President refers to frequently as having been left behind by the advances of globalism. That is why most of my articles on here are open for all. Anything I’ve charged for travel and events has been affordable enough for me to have spoken as hundreds of events and crisscrossed all 50 states since 2021.
This SubStack, Captain K’s Corner, now has over 30,000 total subscribers (paid and unpaid) and is one of the most widely read in its genre on this platform. I am proud of the work here, the caliber of writing, and the research it contains, which is not only mine, but a blend of the many experts who dot the landscape of patriots across America. I started it in March 2022, when I held two contracts for analysis with patriot organizations and was speaking at roughly four events per week. Now I hold zero contracts and have spoken at one event since we rang in the New Year. Your support of my writing and research, paid or unpaid, is greatly appreciated and is literally the difference between me staying in this fight or running over to the next layoff, forcing me to drastically reduce output and effectiveness in what is an information war, and silencing my most deeply held beliefs for fear of losing employment.
My words to you today are not a plea. I don’t expect anyone to take any action or organize any effort. My words are a simple thank you. My work here allows me to support my family and engage full time in the fight for liberty. That is all I can ask for, and I want it to be as plain as day that I couldn’t be more grateful to the people who find my words valuable enough that they sign up to be pinged by me dozens of times per month and often pay to read the most diligently research and compiled content I provide.
Ultimately, whether or not I make it big and wind up working in a prominent capacity with this administration to help with the push for election reform, or maintain myself as I am currently, it doesn’t matter if your attitude is God is the General. Right now, my hill to conquer is the hill of information warfare. We will see how my presentation to higher headquarters is received, but my most important words today are those that thank you – my friends, colleagues, critics, and supportive readers – for making it possible for me to have contributed to this battle far longer than I would have ever thought back in the dark days of November 2020.
Back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow.
Seth Keshel, MBA, is a former Army Captain of Military Intelligence and Afghanistan veteran. His analytical method of election forecasting and analytics is known worldwide, and he has been commended by President Donald J. Trump for his work in the field.
Thought of you when Trump made that announcement... Am praying you can be advising this administration on its election efforts!
Keep up the good work, Captain! I've been following you since I saw you speak in Mt. Juliet, TN, in January of 2023. I believe your research and analyses re election integrity are invaluable to a free America. I am most thankful for your contributions to the debate and am hopeful those in power will take your work and counsel seriously. Best wishes!