Capt. Seth - yours is an excellent essay and a significant move forward in defining the true causes of division (and thus better identifying potential solutions) in this nation. The continuing pretense of red v. blue (Democrat vs. Republican) has now been almost entirely exposed, given the rise of the warhawk, pro-hegemony NeoCons and what is aptly called the Uniparty (the collaboration of similarly greedy and power-hungry politicians and their corporate and cultural benefactors from "both sides of the traditional political aisle"). "Conservative" in the current culture & political environment has been exposed to mean controlled by / subservient to / supportive solely of Big Money and Globalist corporate powers.

"Christian nationalist" better defines my values and political bent. And that is a very Big Tent, contrary to what the fascist radical "Progressives" insist in their transparently fraudulent attempt to claim "democracy" as their objective while promoting an increasingly brutal totalitarianism as their means.

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Problem is, Christians in America can't very well agree on much of anything for long, and never have, all the way back to the "Pilgrims" who fled religious oppression only to set up their own over here, while successive waves of immigrants imported new and fertile heresies. Christianity just isn't very coherent as a political ideology, unless there's a Pope or somebody keeping all the sheep lined up properly.

Another problem is that Germany kind of ruined "Nationalism" for the average Joe last century, and the hangover still hasn't quite faded. Anyway, now we have an Empire.

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"Christianity just isn't very coherent as a political ideology". Probably because Christianity was never intended to be a political ideology. Christianity is merely the practice of trying to follow Jesus Christ's recommended path for less carnal, more spiritually honorable life, which actually was commanded by God the Father spoken originally through the Old Testament prophets and then by His Son, also called the Word. Christianity has never been without its heretics and infiltrators who deliberately poison the original tenets by misinterpreting them than attaching the skewed versions to political policy and Law.

Christianity in America has been significantly co-opted since the communists infiltrated the colleges, seminaries and churches post-WWII, and then deliberately mis-educated new clergy by teaching tolerance of behavior that was strictly forbidden by God and His Son Christ. Today there are too many leftwing-biased seminaries. Not all are biased but too many are indeed corrupted. As a blatant example pf such corruption, churches with female and/or gay pastors are not following Bible doctrine in the most basic of areas.

Christian doctrine is quite coherent to those who study doctrine via the Bible and who limit their human sources to those biblical / theological scholars over the last few hundred years but especially since the mid 1800s, who remained dedicated to translations using a strong hermeneutic and extensive exegetical analysis.

Finally, anyone who cannot understand that MAGA or America First policy being textbook "nationalism" has nothing to do with an early/mid 20th century political party name in post-WW1 Germany is simply intellectually lazy and does so at their own foolish peril. I reject that excuse or squeamishness at the correct use of the term.

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Very good seth! While traveling back hime to our home in TN after spending the winter in az, we stopped at the WASP museum in sweetwater tx. It was awesome! Those women who were the 1st to fly military aircraft in ww2 were amazing and courageous. Out of the little over 1000 that made it thru, 38 died in a plane crash. They were deployed to bases around the country. Most embraced them and gave them good living qtrs, while some made it evident they did not want them there. The latter, transferred out when they could. It is sad when people cannot see the value in others, esp during a war where they are risking their lives and some have died

As long as we put up with this, it will stay. I pray that we as christians can take bold stands for Jesus and bold stands to be united and to love others as God does us. God bless America and God bless Israel. Many young people do not know or appreciate the freedom others died to give them. I pray for a wake up call to parents as well

Thank you seth for yours and your dad's and brothers service.

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Along with the closed border pillar of your rubric, I'd include international bodies purchasing land in the US. It should be illegal.

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Excellent analysis. Thank you for sharing this in a format that people can comprehend.

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Change is inevitable and inescapable, due to physical law. That's just how our universe is set up.

Understanding this, one can see that the entire "progressive" / "conservative" dialectic is a rigged game. Progressives get to determine the direction of change and muster support. Conservatives only muster resistance. Enough resistance and you can stay stuck for a while; more likely outcome is friction and heat.

Time is not on our side. Nobody wins anything playing only defense. We need agile warriors who know their values and can fight for them with courage. That's not "conservative", that's just "progressive" in a different direction.

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Thank you for the insightful analogy. It is an apt one.

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