I dunno. Noem is sneaky. Don't forget that she was among the first after the 2020 steal to tell Republicans to forget it and come together and move ahead. She's all in favor of selections, not elections.....a RINO wearing a MAGA hat. Don't trust her. Trump should have started a populist party soon after Biden was fraudulently installed. He would have drained the swamp instantly.......the voters and the money would have followed him, leaving the RINO's on Capitol Hill crying in their cereal. And moderate Dem voters would come as well. Those poor folks are pretty much homeless voters these days. A populist party would immediately become the dominant party on the scene. Trump should go outside the box and fire a big shot at the Uniparty and select Tulsi Gabbard as his running mate. Trump is really an Independent outsider who stole the GOP nomination in 2016.......the GOP will never forgive him for that. Trump and Gabbard are two of a kind, and they would be unstoppable.

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Yes. Destroy the UniParty with one fell swoop...create the new Populist Freedom Party!!!!

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I still prefer Kari Lake too!

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I like Senator Ron Johnson. A man of bedrock principles & courage. And he’s from Wisconsin, also a vital swing state.

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023

He is awesome. And a person who I think can admit mistakes. That quality of humility is usually lacking in a politician.

At one time Johnson said he thought the COVID vax saved lives. But he investigated further, and hosted a converence on vax injuries and gave the vaccine injured a voice! I think his position radically changed when he looked further.

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So glad you’re not afraid of laying out your thoughts here Seth. You’re far above many of us, but like President Trump you hit the nail on the head for many of us.

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As always, great article Seth!

Your insight always helps me to pull the lightspeed of the happenings all together. God bless! MAGA!

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Heading to SD next week to show my 30 yo daughter Mount Rushmore! Wish I was there tonight!

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Noem and Lake are no goes for me. Will not vote for either of them. May be the first time that I do not vote in an election.

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I like Kristi but I LOVE Kari❤️I visit the Black Hills every summer. Rapid City and Custer State Park. I was there for Trumps visit I. 2020. Hope you enjoyed your visit Seth!

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What are your thoughts on Vivek as VP? He certainly comes across as an attack dog.

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I am still hoping for Kari Lake. It kind of seems like she is talking about a Senate run to throw off the speculations of being VP until after the primaries and Trump is the candidate. As usual, I love reading your thoughts Seth!

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Great insight. Thanks

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Thanks for your insights! Astute as always.

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A point on Kari Lake's 2022 outcome and possible 2024 Senate race: perhaps Capt. K has already explicitly laid this point out........I'm convinced RINOs are so gung-ho in defeating MAGA candidates to fuel demoralization among the GOP base with the narrative that "MAGA candidates can't win"; it would be a logical strategy to try bringing back support to the Bush/McCain/Romney/DeSantis donor class........we continue seeing this anti-MAGA narrative play out for 2+ years following Trump's 2020 "loss", and now we're seeing this narrative play out following the 2022 outcomes: the AZ and PA races, the GA Senate race, and in House races where MAGA candidates went down in defeat - JR Majewski (OH-9), John Gibbs (MI-3), Joe Kent (WA-3). The vote counting apparatus somehow needs to be taken back, as the RINOS will surely use the same playbook on Lake and Trump in 2024.

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It won't matter soon when Trump is reinstated here soon, he is still Commander in Chief!

Kristi does some good and then the crap with her daughter she abused her Gov power in that situation I think. It is all a big show, watch the movie!

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I believe Lake will be the rightful hov of AZ.

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Chalk it up, Seth! Great insight especially on DeSantis!

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