“Selected” not “Elected”.

Good job, Captain K.

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This story is one for the books. Makes me smile every time I think about it. And maybe we should be approaching the integrity doubters with this idea: How would you feel to learn that 10 people used your identity to vote in the last election….and they all voted the opposite of you. Let’s not make it about party or Trump. Because it really is bigger than that.

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The unspoken element here is that as many as 30,000 public officials may have never been properly elected. That’s why Vos is frozen; the whole Agenda 2030 scheme is also at risk because nefarious actors were stuffing gov offices with their cronies.

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their brazen “I don’t give a rats ass” attitude, even with the evidence presented, is astonishing. and, it reinforces how much the judicial branch is either blackmailed, threatened or in fear of their livelihoods…

✨🙏✨GodBlessYou CaptSethKeshel ✨🙏✨

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Capt K: Still hoping to get some amplifying info on Pensacola/Escambia County "Panhandle Ring." You can reach me at w.buckey@att.net Regards, Col B

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Another excellent article. Thanks for opening my eyes.

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I like the comparison to Saul and David, but I think we are going to end up more like Goliath and David given the attitude the leftist cabal is copping... which might be summarized as "contrition is for the weak."

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