Doug Frank’s work shows how newly ineligible (moved or dead) voter ID information in every machine election system is never removed, but actually shifted to an “inactive status” - only to be used as needed in later elections. 15 years of that, and you see how 1 residence is repeatedly listed with several names - especially apartments.

Yes - can you believe an election system would be designed with an “inactive status” option?

Only 18 years of a “secretary of state project” could allow something like this to happen.

Praise God the world sees it now - the whole world.

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George from north central Texas.

What kind of proposal would I present to the Grayson County Commissioner's Court?

How would they do it?

You have this as county level action. What about ERIC?

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Have you heard of Omega4America? Their Project Omega uses fractal programming that has been around for 35 years to compare multiple databases to clean voter roles. Volunteers can use it on their phones. Follow Jay Valentine on Twitter and read his occasional article on the Gateway Pundit. My understanding is that they are now raising funds to go into the swing states. They are already in AZ, WI, & NV, perhaps others, but their goal is to be in all 50 states, replacing ERIC.

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Cpt K, is this a bit of a "pivot"? Feels good, doesn't it?

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It's bad in my jurisdiction. Someone I know who has been doing some ballot curing said it's mainly elderly people - my guess probably frightened into voting by mail thanks to the COVID scare.

Praying for guidance on how to enlighten our state legislators.

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The evidence presented at the Otero county (New Mexico) hearing about a week ago makes it clear that a big problem is electronic fraud. So, banning all electronics from voter registration, not just vote counting, is something to at least consider (if you believe in "defense in depth"), though it would likely cost a lot to implement.

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