Great analysis as always Captain. I have more faith in you than any other source when it comes to detailed election analysis. I remain somewhat optimistic especially since it seems that the possibilities for the democrats to cheat are being minimized...but they are desperate lot. Keeping the faith!

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I have seen the cheat up close and personal in Michigan. I once went to the Genesee County Republican Party meeting and asked everybody to tell me how they voted, meaning in person or by absentee. I then looked up their vote history in Michigan's Qualified Voter File.

Seven of them were labeled by our Demonkrat Secretary of State as not having voted at all. Of course these people voted, they are party activists. They had their votes stolen from them. That comes out to 13% of the people in the room. Obviously all Republicans.

Another investigator sorted through the file and found 97,000 Michiganders who voted in the spring presidential primary, voted again in the local August primary and then skipped the general election in November of 2020.

Now who does this? It's like following your team through the playoffs and then skipping the Super Bowl. Everyone we were able to contact was a Republican. We never found a single Democrat who had their vote stolen.

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It will be interesting to see how Virginia, Minnesota, and New Mexico play out. Trump should improve in all 3 states. If you see Harris or Walz spending money or time there, we will know for sure their campaign is on the ropes.

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Hello, thank you for this.

On the Intelligence philosophical question of Capabilities vs Intentions… You seem to clearly come down on the side of capabilities and work hard and diligently in this regard, I’m very much Capabilities bias.

Unfortunately I have a further request, very demanding I am with regret… especially for a few measly bucks a month. So…

Question; in context of their early voting in PA is in shambles… is this trackable elsewhere?

Here is why: I have been looking at the Dems/DC/DNC (same) with my Jaundiced several deployments 👁️ since January 2021 DC mission as having hit their culminating point in 2020~2021 coup, grossly overextended and in not just decline but dissolution. I have no hard metrics but experience, history and seeing these disgraces, worse thousands of soldiers saw them.

My info that does give me this collapse feel is watching them fail at lawfare, split over Israel, elite defections to Trump, failing to kill Trump, and if these creatures can’t even get a good mail ballot game going… then they’re going.

Not to mention slowly spreading chaos in Dem areas.

Also Dobbs and Chevron indicate SCOTUS defection from the entire project. Dobbs and Chevron take power from the bureaucracy and courts and return to the States.

So I’m now hunching and wondering what the results of early voting are ?

You mentioned PA.

It seems I’m forced into divination to an extent. Can the wizard provide a sign? 😉

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