I’d rather stay home and drink coffee and read but I’m going to catch the game on a big screen in a local recovery clubhouse. 100 people, pizza, potato salad and brownies, lots of soda. Half the folks in recovery in SoFlo happen to be from Philly anyway so they’ll be motivated…but I stopped watching NFL games in 2020.

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Dear Captain K:

There is another reason not to watch: in the past week Commissioner Roger Goodell double-down on embracing (imposing) "woke" on the NFL. Yes, they removed some of visible elements at the end zone, but NFL money is still going to radical groups, and the woke slogans still appear on helmets. And what will be in the (Satanic undertones?) half-time show is to-be-determined.

I have not watched an NFL game since I penned the below in 2017 (link) - which in my humble opinion is still worth a read. I still have not been able to get past their intentional besmirching of those (like you) who wore the uniform, fought and too-often died under our flag.

There is a place for forgiveness and "moving on" - but first the NFL League (Goodell) need to repent.

That said, only because of President Trump and (especially) the rumored Musk ads*, I might have to look into the belly of the NFL beast this one game.

*Praying that is true. What an assume way to red-pill folks whose news consumption is still limited to so-called "mainstream media" (ABC, CBS, etc.). Tens, if not in excess of a hundred million, in one fell swoop.


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That was an excellent article. A must read. Thank you for referring us to it.

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Thank you Ms. Harbeck. FWIW, it's one of my personal faves, as I come from a military family and wrote it with a personal, heartfelt earnestness.

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I love the 10 swift! so funny!

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Loved this!!!🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏

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Excellent article Seth! Didn't know about Musk commercials. Genius! Reportedly, Christian artist Lauren Daigle will be performing at half-time. Hopefully she will stay true to her faith and modesty.

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Kendrick lamar is in halftime performance

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You are spot on! The DOGE commercials will be the best reason to watch the game.

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At least the game won't disturb me from watching Puppy Bowl.

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Feb 9Edited

So funny! I would be hard-pressed to see a spot televised of the corrupt spending by Musk. Cool if so, but thinking censorship is still too rampant.

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Great write up i would tune in to see president trump

I am wondering if it will be clean and fair referring with trump in attendance. I think it was fixed last yr for the chiefs to win

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Thanks Seth! 😊😊

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Thanks for the laughs!

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I often write these companies and let them know my values do not line up with their woke agenda, so I will purchase another product.

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