To paraphrase Bob Dylan (and no, I wasn't a fan): You don't need to be weatherman (or is that balloon) to know that treasonous winds have been blowing.

>>"Now is the time to be prepared to provide for yourself, your family, and your loved ones – not once our enemies are fully emboldened by such saboteurs who sit atop the power structure in America."

Be afraid. Be very afraid. And seething with anger ...

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself." - Cicero

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Details matter and thank you for cutting through the confusion with clarity and simplicity!

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We started prepping 18 months ago when it became apparent that the rigged and stolen 2020 Election was not going to be corrected, around the time of the disastrous Afghanistan pullout. We are now about as ready as we can be for whatever calamities are coming next. Your article just verifies every inclination that the Chinese government (probably working with nefarious actors in own government) are going to attack our infrastructure pretty soon. They’ve already unleashed a pandemic and crippled our voting institutions. Those were body blows. An EMP that puts large sections of the nation without power and Internet for weeks or months…that would be absolutely devastating.

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This is an outstanding and eye opening analysis. I pray it will help some normies WAKE UP!! That propaganda about the spy balloon being carried on wind currents is patent bullsh&t that only a moron would believe. Thanks for your great work Seth.

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Pray like never before, without ceasing! God is still in control!

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“An evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground… to rule over the ashes”. Sun Tzu

Who is destroying my beloved country?

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Capt K, may I ask of you to please make this public content? This evaluation is one that needs to be shared and available to everyone! Thank you for your consideration!

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Just a question: how are balloons steered (besides changing altitude to find winds going in different directions)?

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