If he didn’t know before Butler. He certainly knew after that. Can’t wait for Election Integrity to start kicking into gear. COVID’s been exposed. Deep State corruption is being exposed courtesy of USAID. What’s left is exposing the election crimes in 2020, 2022 and 2024 up and down the ballot.
Yes, Trump is a more politically savvy that most give him credit for. And your astute political sense is obvious in your comparing him to Andrew Jackson. Both were maliciously attacked by political opponents, both came back from election loss to resounding victories, both were able to become strong executives by strength of character, and both grew in the estimation of voters after the election because of their behavior in office.
In spite of popular support, primarily Northeastern elites did their best to pull Jackson down, and largely succeeded in marginalizing him to posterity. He is little remembered today, thanks to the Eastern elites' rewriting of history. I'm grateful that you have won him back at least some of his former fame.
Great article. comparing the 1824 rig job of Andrew Jacksonto 2020 stolen election. He'll hath no fury, like a scornedpresident, that's had a presidency stolen. Who knew we'd all be so much better off? Only Grest God almighty, what dems meant for evil, God meant for good
Captain Seth, another great summation of the matters of fact. Thank you for bringing up biblical prophecy, there is no other written record that predicts the future hundreds of years before it occurred and gets it right, every jot and tittle. The parallels between Jackson and Trump are very interesting. Reading your words makes me want to study more, both the Bible and the US history books. I feel so incredibly blessed to have my hands on the wheel, driving down the road with my eyes wide open. We are living in interesting times indeed. Keep up the good work captain, may God bless you, our incredible president and the good ol’ USA.
The evening of election day, 2020, Our President cautioned us to be looking for a 2 am ballot dump which, of course, occurred. He constantly warned of a "stollen" election in the runup to 2020 and, for those following the Q drops, it was even necessary to have the election stolen for a number of reasons, chief among them to wake We The People up sufficiently to make 2024 Too Big To Rig, and to have the MAGA vote in 2020 so big that the Deep State would have to throw caution to the wind in their existential need to keep Trump of a 2nd term. An effort that failed multiple times over the course of his first term. So, yes, he knew....
Jackson (as we describe in "A Patriot's History of the United States") indeed railed against elites and in that way was a "populist," but in office he was one of the biggest "big government" types ever. He was not, as we show from primary source evidence, opposed to the BUS---only to a BUS controlled by a Whig!! He trampled on the rights of minorities, particularly Indians. But most important, is what historians (and likely Trump) miss about Jackson. HE AND MARTIN VAN BUREN CREATED THE DEMOKKKRAT PARTY TO PROTECT SLAVERY! This is pretty irrefutable, even from pro-Jackson scholars such as Robert Remini (whom I met several times and who, later in life, actually LOOKED like Andrew Jackson). Jackson was no "small government" guy. But this is largely hidden behind his misunderstood war on the Bank and his vetoes, without realizing that the traditional Founders/Whig view of government---held by James Monroe, who was great at it---was that the CONGRESS or the instrument of the people should run government and that the president should merely mostly affirm what Congress did. By using the veto more than all other presidents combined, Jackson was the FIRST PRESIDENT TO TURN THE OFFICE INTO A POWERHOUSE with disproportionate authority over other branches. (A muscle, even when used in "negative reps" still grows).
Again, I agree with Seth on WHY Trump has Jackson's portrait there, but if he knew more of the real Jackson, he wouldn't have that picture within 10 miles of the White House.
Why has Bondi not hired this guy yet? Or setup some election integrity task force? Am I being impatient? It's been two weeks already!
If he didn’t know before Butler. He certainly knew after that. Can’t wait for Election Integrity to start kicking into gear. COVID’s been exposed. Deep State corruption is being exposed courtesy of USAID. What’s left is exposing the election crimes in 2020, 2022 and 2024 up and down the ballot.
My belief is that the answer to your question is, “Yes.” He knew. ☺️
Yes, Trump is a more politically savvy that most give him credit for. And your astute political sense is obvious in your comparing him to Andrew Jackson. Both were maliciously attacked by political opponents, both came back from election loss to resounding victories, both were able to become strong executives by strength of character, and both grew in the estimation of voters after the election because of their behavior in office.
In spite of popular support, primarily Northeastern elites did their best to pull Jackson down, and largely succeeded in marginalizing him to posterity. He is little remembered today, thanks to the Eastern elites' rewriting of history. I'm grateful that you have won him back at least some of his former fame.
Great article. comparing the 1824 rig job of Andrew Jacksonto 2020 stolen election. He'll hath no fury, like a scornedpresident, that's had a presidency stolen. Who knew we'd all be so much better off? Only Grest God almighty, what dems meant for evil, God meant for good
Captain Seth, another great summation of the matters of fact. Thank you for bringing up biblical prophecy, there is no other written record that predicts the future hundreds of years before it occurred and gets it right, every jot and tittle. The parallels between Jackson and Trump are very interesting. Reading your words makes me want to study more, both the Bible and the US history books. I feel so incredibly blessed to have my hands on the wheel, driving down the road with my eyes wide open. We are living in interesting times indeed. Keep up the good work captain, may God bless you, our incredible president and the good ol’ USA.
The evening of election day, 2020, Our President cautioned us to be looking for a 2 am ballot dump which, of course, occurred. He constantly warned of a "stollen" election in the runup to 2020 and, for those following the Q drops, it was even necessary to have the election stolen for a number of reasons, chief among them to wake We The People up sufficiently to make 2024 Too Big To Rig, and to have the MAGA vote in 2020 so big that the Deep State would have to throw caution to the wind in their existential need to keep Trump of a 2nd term. An effort that failed multiple times over the course of his first term. So, yes, he knew....
Jackson (as we describe in "A Patriot's History of the United States") indeed railed against elites and in that way was a "populist," but in office he was one of the biggest "big government" types ever. He was not, as we show from primary source evidence, opposed to the BUS---only to a BUS controlled by a Whig!! He trampled on the rights of minorities, particularly Indians. But most important, is what historians (and likely Trump) miss about Jackson. HE AND MARTIN VAN BUREN CREATED THE DEMOKKKRAT PARTY TO PROTECT SLAVERY! This is pretty irrefutable, even from pro-Jackson scholars such as Robert Remini (whom I met several times and who, later in life, actually LOOKED like Andrew Jackson). Jackson was no "small government" guy. But this is largely hidden behind his misunderstood war on the Bank and his vetoes, without realizing that the traditional Founders/Whig view of government---held by James Monroe, who was great at it---was that the CONGRESS or the instrument of the people should run government and that the president should merely mostly affirm what Congress did. By using the veto more than all other presidents combined, Jackson was the FIRST PRESIDENT TO TURN THE OFFICE INTO A POWERHOUSE with disproportionate authority over other branches. (A muscle, even when used in "negative reps" still grows).
Again, I agree with Seth on WHY Trump has Jackson's portrait there, but if he knew more of the real Jackson, he wouldn't have that picture within 10 miles of the White House.
Profound… I would also contend difficult to go apples to apples across centuries.
Yes he did.
Very thoughtful. Consider also the parallel of Brave Trump to The Music Man