Seth this is not good news. I had hoped the change in leadership at the RNC would lead to actual reforms. And I agree that fighting election fraud after the votes have been cast/counted is a losing proposition. We have to be pre-emptive. I hope and pray that your message resonates with someone who can help the RNC change course. God didn't save DJT for another stolen election. Keep the faith brother! โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ™

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I agree with you 110%!

Results - any results - are only as good as the data used to reach them.

When the input data (invalid ballots) is corrupt, the output result (elections) is also corrupt.


I also agree that the GOP/RNC leadership doesn't have #AmericaFirst at the top of their agenda, despite all the talking heads (with the same exception you made).

I also pray that you're wrong, because if Trump doesn't win this one, nothing will matter any longer.

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Youโ€™ve hit the proverbial nail on the head right HERE. I have experienced the same at the county level, lower and above.

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Yes, Ron, and there is still the unrewarded effort of courageous and undaunted patriots to fight on. I'm glad Seth published this article. And I'm certain he, nor we, will quit the battlefield. He shines a brilliant spotlight on our adversaries and their planned failures that suggests defeat. From within. He has completely exposed the resistance from the top down, and expressed our common disgust while yet offering a path forward. We have hope. I find no comfort in Seth's realistic assessment, only an increased energy to persevere. Like the oppressed Venezuelans.

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Absolutely Cheryie, I canโ€™t do anything but keep calling them out and at same time DOING the things I can do and pursue, with all the more determination.

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Keep up the fight, Seth - the corrupted, corruptable ones running our country into the ground will have to be rooted out, but we need to win in November inspite of them. Over, under, or through, but weโ€™re going to the other side. Great work.

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I greatly appreciate all that you have done and are still doing. I agree with Mickey's comment, "God didn't save DJT for another stolen election." Praying for you, for our country, for President Trump and for our elections.

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Seth - you are 100% correct but you're up against the Professional Grifters who seem to dominate the Republican political consultancy. They want to preserve their jobs indefinitely and that cannot be done if they actually SOLVE the solvable problems. They have large financial incentives to perpetuate the problems, so the political challengers need to avoid the losing grifters and instead demand your information be used by everyone they DO hire to strategize & execute a path to victory..

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Just like the pharma industry - there is little money in a cure, and lots of money in maintenance.

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Yes. Rockefeller figured that out and helped destroy the old health care practices that used a lot of natural plants and substances along with studying nutrition.

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The frustration is real. The Repugnicans are pros at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They'll roll over every time. They're spineless, balless, POS. Our judicial system is compromised as well. How can no one have standing when their votes were clearly stolen? You could watch it in real time on TV as the votes were switched, countless sworn statements from election workers, video of ballots scanned over and over again, videos of people stuffing ballot boxes, voting machines connected to the Internet, mountains of evidence. And no standing. And our feckless congress does nothing.

Your work is outstanding. It is hard I know, but please keep the faith. May I have your permission to forward your article to my Senators and Representative?

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"Ain't No Money in the Cure" succinctly summarizes Thomas Sowell's premise in The Vision of the Anointed. Your work is astounding and it disheartens me to learn that people who could do something with this information are not! Prior to the 2020 election Judicial Watch sent me a veritable book about the fraud and unreliability of voter rolls in county by county, state by state. To know that these major discrepancies have been addressed by only perhaps 50% as related by Catherine Englebrecht of True the Vote in a recent interview is devastating. Just like the House will not cut off funding for rogue government departments, it seems the RNC won't avail itself of information and action which can mean the difference in this election and the survival of the nation. I no longer contribute to the RNC but rather to specific candidates. I also contribute to True the Vote. Where else would you suggest we look for real action that would help secure this most important election not just nationally but also with focus on the down ballot?

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Could you forward this whole article to Rep Dan Bishop of NC? He's running for Attorney General. I recently texted him about election integrity and he asked what more he can do? If he would read this article it may open his eyes. You cannot email him if you're not in his area (what a stupid filter the government has). he's on X - perhaps reach out there?

I believe you!!! This 2024 election will fail without some immediate actions.

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If you're a NC resident you can copy and paste this article and send it to him to bypass the 'you have to be a constituent in order to contact' filter. Or you can forward the link. With Seth's permission of course.

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Jul 31Liked by Capt. Seth Keshel

Same crap in Los Angeles. I'm a voting member of the LAGOP and have been pushed aside by them in favor of the RNC style program of nearly useless poll watching.

In 2022 I watched RNC lawyers sit playing on their phones in the lobby of the ballot processing center. When me and my friend went inside we were the only observers in the building. There were real issues that the lawyer could have been addressing. I could list them. But instead he was getting paid his lawyer fee to sit in the lobby.

Maybe we can break the RNC after Trump gets in.

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It's infuriating reading this great article Seth. Cowards and snakes, the whole lot of them. They go along to get along and line their pockets along the way. We need a running list of these cowards and blast them to kingdom come. God bless you Cap. History will be kind to you for always doing it the right way and not the easy way. May God continue to bless you and your family.

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Jul 29ยทedited Jul 30

Why does President Trump get a pass on all this? He raised 250 million through the "Stop the Steal" Campaign and only spent 10 million fighting the steal, 50 million on advertising, then tucked the rest of it into his Save America PAC which funded his political operations for the next 2 years. Trump says "we caught 'em" and "we have all the evidence - it's so easy", yet he does nothing to show that evidence to the public. He could have done it in November of 2020. Why does he get no blame? Didn't he choose Michael Watley and the rest of the RNC leadership? Why is he always the victim?

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I snail mailed the following Friday. Everything pinprick and every paper cut needs to be inflicted. They have all the money but there are more of us.

Bruce Dawsey

Grayson County Judge

100 W. Houston

Sherman, Texas 75090


Per Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson: Clean voter rolls are the first line of defense to preserve secure elections, โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ We must ensure our voter lists are up to date, and now is the time to prepare.โ€

The reason for the SOSโ€™s urgency is obvious: The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 66% of likely U.S. voters are concerned that the outcome of the presidential election will be affected by cheating.

Removing fraudulent registrations has time consuming steps to ensure a legal citizen is not disenfranchised. There is not enough time between now and August 7th to perform the amount of clean-up needed of the rolls.

As outlined in the following, of the various methods of election fraud, mail-in ballots has become the primary method.

Considering the tight schedule, stopping mail-in ballots from going to ineligible addresses is the only legal workable strategy. It does not disenfranchise a voter. They simply must vote in person.

โ€œFractal has visibility to every voter in every swing state, plus shortly Colorado, Virginia, Texas and a few othersโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ..

โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.In Texas, when the Secretary of State heard it was the Fractal team who paid the $1,500 for the current voter roll, that department refused to work with us โ€“ even after we wrote a check โ€“ until we had the Attorney General office force the issue. If you watch the Texas videos on the Omega4America.com site, you will see why the Texas Secretary of State did not want Fractal in those voter rollsโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ..โ€

After the County used the Fractal generated list of ineligible addresses to not send mail-in ballots, that same list could be used to investigate, identify, and remove ineligible individuals after November 2024 when more time is available to comply with the Secretary of Stateโ€™s clean up the rolls request.

I urge the County to contact Jay Valentineโ€™s team and get the Fractal report of ineligible addresses for Grayson County prior to complying with mail-in ballot requests for the November 2024 election.

The court may choose to ignore this vulnerability to our elections but now, they cannot say they did not know.

George M Chamberlain

4217 S State Highway 91

Denison, Texas 75020


Texas Secretary of State

P.O. Box 12887

Austin, TX 78711-2887 Honorable Jeff Whitmire

Grayson County Commissioner Precinct 01

100 W. Houston

Sherman, Texas 75090

Honorable Phyllis James

County Commissioner Precinct 03

100 W. Houston, 3rd Floor

Sherman, Texas 75090 Matt Hardenburg

Commissioner Precinct 04

100 W. Houston

Sherman, Texas 75090

Art Arthur

Grayson County Commissioner Precinct 02

100 W. Houston

Sherman, Texas 75090 Honorable J. Brett Smith

Grayson County Justice Center

District Attorney's Office

200 S. Crockett, Ste. 116A

Sherman, Texas 75090

Extracted and shortened from Omega4Americaโ€™s Substack by George M Chamberlain

Mail-in ballots, from ineligible locations, in 15 counties, across 7 swing states will determine the next president. Several senators as well......................

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Seth--thanks so much for writing this article. I couldn't have said it better myself. As a NC resident and knowing all the fraud that took place in this state as well as around the country, I wanted to beat my head against the wall when Whatley was appointed to head the RNC. Even after attending several of your appearances in NC to show the fraud in this state, he refused to acknowledge it. He is NOT the man to lead the RNC if change is to be made. He's no better than the uniparty simps that have been "selected" to supposedly represent the people and is just another cog in that machine. I thought maybe with Lara Trump being there, it might help things, but like you, I have my doubts it will make a difference. Apparently, her role in the RNC is more geared to fundraising rather than stopping the massive vote fraud and steal of 2020 from re-occuring in 2024. I will vote because I always vote, fraud or not, but feel like my vote is no more likely to matter in 2024 than it has in any election for the last several decades. Why voting with paper ballots with one-day voting for verified US citizens that actually are alive and live in the precinct they are voting in is such a hard concept for the states to get, I will NEVER understand. But I know it's because most of our state and local representatives, election board officials and judicial appointees bow to the corrupt uniparty altar as well. Keep up the good work, my man--you ARE appreciated for all you are doing to save this country.

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this is so true at the state and often the county level as well - there is no interest in leveraging the resources, energy and knowledge base of even the local Republican volunteers who have been involved in the Republican Executive Committees (REC) and the local Republican clubs. And that's one thing the D's do very well.

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