Complaints are only useful if they are paired with solutions. We already know enough about 2020 to make a national case for decertification. In all truthfulness, we are only able to “stay in our lanes,” which is, interestingly enough, Lesson 2 in my forthcoming book, Ten Veteran Lessons for Every Day. Staying in our lanes means to not get distracted with the final outcomes when there is still plenty of work to be done by teams, whether they are exposing fraud through analysis or canvassing, arguing in court, or contributing content through the new media. Keep on the pathway to fixing every problem you encounter.
Here are the Ten Points to True Election Integrity:
II. Ban All Electronic Elections Equipment
III. Voter ID with Paper Ballots Only
VI. Drastically Smaller Precincts*
VIII. Election Day is a Holiday
IX. New Reporting Requirements for Transparency
X. Heavy Prison Sentences for All Who Commit Fraud
Review these points. Scrutinize them. If you have things to contribute to any that will bring about improvement, they can be sent to me at Many brilliant minds helped craft these points.
What can you do? You can network with your local officials at county, district, and state levels to integrate the entire platform of Ten Points into their agenda. All these steps, individually, serve as a deterrent to systemic fraud. Imagine if all of them were put in place. We would have excellent elections, limited to very few cases of fraud. There are several legislators I have been working with who are going to be unleashing these in sessions across the country.
Your task is to know and present these items and be able to defend them. Nye County, Nevada, has moved to remove electronic voting equipment in favor of secure paper ballots. There is a lot of work to be done there, and everywhere, still. There is no time left for not being involved and pressing for change. We will not forget 2020 and will hold out hope that the light of truth will shine in that dark corner and will pursue the two-front war to making our elections work in the future.
Can I please add in number X that we need to impeach corrupt judges and remove soros funded prosecutors, sec of states and AG's that are preventing the clean ups? Appreciate the plan, now who's coordinating this project? I tried to help in Catherine's group, but it's been derailed by infiltrators...we need a real group that has a leader with discernment to get this done! Any volunteers??
It’s important that the paper ballots be HAMD-MARKED. Otherwise there are still a lot shenanigans the machines can engage in, and voters generally won’t double-check that the machine marked their ballot as they intended.