If Newton had been a politician, he would have written the First Law of Politics, "If you are totally sure you're right, you cannot learn from your mistakes."
Seth - would be interested in your take on Tillis in NC. Specifically, is there anything in the registration and voting data that suggests he is susceptible to a MAGA primary challenger and how likely is it that challenger could win a general election. Lastly, if “yes” to both, are there any candidates you know of who are considering a run (or we should push to enter a race)? Thanks.
I hear Lara Trump come up but not sure on her residency between FL/NC. If there is a valid challenger the people need to be coming up with who that is now, so we don't have 28 different challengers in there splitting the vote. Of course, this person needs to be able to win the General in a Rep president midterm, so I think Robinson should sit it out.
NC is short on star power for being a pretty MAGA place.
As a bona fide NC girl (including graduating from NC State Univ), Lara Trump would be a slam-dunk to topple Tillis. She may be the only one would could overcome the machine that is our Republican Party--the same party that gave us Robinson, knowing the skeletons in his closet, and intentionally hiding them until he was the nominee.
It is shocking to me how they keep sticking to their guns. They've got nothing new, and they're about to lose their one and only remaining Old-School-Liberal issue: abortion. After 4 years of Trump NOT outlawing all abortions and NOT tracking all women's menstrual cycles in a gov't database...LOL...how will they sell their end-times-handmaids-tale anymore?
When I first started practicing law, I was given Napoleon's advice, and mayun did it help me to strategically keep my trap shut over the years.
If Newton had been a politician, he would have written the First Law of Politics, "If you are totally sure you're right, you cannot learn from your mistakes."
We’re going to work hard to keep Iowa red, and we’ll take all the help the democrats are willing to give us.
Seth - would be interested in your take on Tillis in NC. Specifically, is there anything in the registration and voting data that suggests he is susceptible to a MAGA primary challenger and how likely is it that challenger could win a general election. Lastly, if “yes” to both, are there any candidates you know of who are considering a run (or we should push to enter a race)? Thanks.
I hear Lara Trump come up but not sure on her residency between FL/NC. If there is a valid challenger the people need to be coming up with who that is now, so we don't have 28 different challengers in there splitting the vote. Of course, this person needs to be able to win the General in a Rep president midterm, so I think Robinson should sit it out.
NC is short on star power for being a pretty MAGA place.
As a bona fide NC girl (including graduating from NC State Univ), Lara Trump would be a slam-dunk to topple Tillis. She may be the only one would could overcome the machine that is our Republican Party--the same party that gave us Robinson, knowing the skeletons in his closet, and intentionally hiding them until he was the nominee.
Please do one of these for 2020 and 2024
Keep up your great analysis. Read you daily. Consider refining "enemy" are we talking media, person, organization, Judges?
It is shocking to me how they keep sticking to their guns. They've got nothing new, and they're about to lose their one and only remaining Old-School-Liberal issue: abortion. After 4 years of Trump NOT outlawing all abortions and NOT tracking all women's menstrual cycles in a gov't database...LOL...how will they sell their end-times-handmaids-tale anymore?
"Q540 Jan 18, 2018 9:09:31 PM EST
Are you following the news today?
These people are REALLY stupid.
This will be the END of the D party.
This will be the path forward (w/ public outrage) to JAIL many so-called 'untouchables'.
You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.