They Still Haven't Learned a Damned Thing - And Thank God for That
The most important reads from last night's address have less to do with annexing Greenland or landing a man on Mars, but more with the self-exile of a party that inflicts only evil upon America.
In late January, I “penned” a piece dubbed, “They Haven’t Learned a Damned Thing.” In that article, I pointed out a few instances of how the Democrats were squandering their political capital in the first week of Donald Trump’s new administration by organizing and supporting street rallies against immigration arrests and deportation operations, which happened to bring about the largest GOP share of the minority vote in a half-century, and by doing other socially insane things like lobbying for removing sex from birth certificates in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania.
Last night made me wonder if my most appropriate course of action, rather than issuing a review of Trump’s address (which you can find everywhere), was to make the simple observation that they still haven’t learned a damned thing. In fact, if you were an apolitical observer drawn in by the transformative fury sweeping over your country, and in the middle of the sports lull flipped on the address, you’d have wondered if the biggest miracle in the modern world is that tens of millions of people vote for this brand every other year (see below):
Yes, we know about the smurfing, we know about the cheat-by-mail infrastructure – but still, the brainwashing has been so heavy that millions upon millions feel it is best for their feelings to staff representative offices with members of a party who wish to relinquish American sovereignty to global governing bodies and force you to watch foreigners possess what you’ve paid for with your coerced taxes.
I remember, back when I was a good young Republican in the 2000s and early 2010s, when the GOP was deemed out of touch because they were clinging to traditional social concepts right before courts redefined the government’s view of marriage and it became normal to shame men for being men (or blame them for sexual assault if they express interest in a woman, without affording due process). I’ve been a loud critic of the establishment GOP’s unwillingness to embrace economic populism and non-interventionism (in other words, Trumpism), which means they’re tone deaf to the needs of the struggling nation, but the spat over social values a decade plus ago is nothing compared to the incompatibility of the Democrat Party with the modern nation.
What We Said
What They Said
It turns out I was right about the three points I suggested would get air time last night, even if they appeared in different order and varying levels of anticipated magnitude; however, the details and the vivid descriptions of last night’s ordeal that cause me to wonder if Trump and J.D. Vance have moles inside the Democrat Party causing them to self-destruct. Remember, the Democrats are the party that only need to flip three Republican-held U.S. House seats next November to take control of that chamber, thereby gutting any possibility of Trumpian legislature from getting through in the remainder of Trump’s term in office. Their odds of doing so, according to electoral history since 1934, are about 87% (20 out of 23 midterms since 1934 saw the President’s party lose seats in the House).
Instead, they showed why they lost Pennsylvania when they refused to applaud Jeff Denard, a steelworker who fostered over 40 children, who was acknowledged by Trump. Not only do they hate children, they resent American blue-collar workers who form the backbone of Trump’s coalition, but who were essential in making up their own coalition just three short decades ago. Here’s how Bill Clinton did in Pennsylvania in 1996 (note the western counties):
Democrats were counting on immigration (legal and illegal) to warp the demographics of the United States; what they got was a decades-long crime wave with many high-profile murders and a map of Texas that looked like this (note the southern border counties in red):
Rather than accepting the verdict of the electorate, buckling down on crime, and getting rid of the purple-haired radicals, they sit in silence when the President acknowledges a mother who lost her child to illegal alien gang violence. Not only are they politically ignorant, they are also bereft of morals and easy to despise. The Democrat response to our government identifying billions of dollars in fraud, waste, and abuse, asserting sovereignty over borders, lobbying for peace instead of war (a break from many previous presidents), and focusing on domestic reforms made to benefit our own citizens resulted in half the chamber frowning, gnashing teeth, moaning, wailing, raising signs and objects, and refusing to applaud everyday Americans who have come to hate what was once thought to be the party of the people.
At this rate, we will annex Greenland, take over the Panama Canal, equip catapults along our southern border with an alligator-filled moat as primary boundary, land a man on Mars, bring peace to Europe and the Middle East, pay DOGE dividends to every man, woman, and child, and carve Trump’s face on Mount Rushmore, and the best the Democrats will have to offer America is an exodus like Al Green’s.
It's true. They still haven’t learned a damn thing - and praise God for it.
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Seth Keshel, MBA, is a former Army Captain of Military Intelligence and Afghanistan veteran. His analytical method of election forecasting and analytics is known worldwide, and he has been commended by President Donald J. Trump for his work in the field.
They knelt for George Floyd a convicted felon but couldn't clap for a 12-year-old cancer survivor enjoying a brief moment in the sun.
"...the details and the vivid descriptions of last night’s ordeal that cause me to wonder if Trump and J.D. Vance have moles inside the Democrat Party causing them to self-destruct."
Conquest's Third Law: "The behavior of most organizations can best be understood by assuming it is controlled by a secret cabal of its worst adversaries."
Just sayin'... ;-)