If the attempt on Pres. Trump's life was an operation from the powers-that-be, the timing of it leads me to believe it was a last-ditch attempt to seize the GOP nomination away from Trump. Remember that uniparty operatives were propping up Nikki Haley early in the primary process with the hope of seizing the nomination (and, effectively, party control) away from Trump. If the assassination attempt on Trump had succeeded, the GOP would be facing an open convention this week (how convenient for the uniparty).

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That's exactly what I was thinking and I've been thinking it for the last two weeks. So now what?I find it extremely hard to believe Trump is even considering Vance. Would be extremely concerned if he picks him.

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I’m still wondering if it’s not just “part of the movie”. We’ve been hearing about the “shot heard around the world” for a few years now.

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Thank you Seth for saying the things that we have believed for quite some time, that don’t sit well with the, “dishonest with God” people.

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Excellent commentary, Seth. You manage to succinctly express what I am thinking.

Unfortunately, too many Americans still watch television, and are totally brainwashed.

IMHO, yesterday was an inside job. This kid on the roof was a patsy. If any of the 3 letter alphabet agencies claim that he acted alone, that pretty much proves to me that he certainly did not.

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There is no way a 20-year-old from Bethel Park knew where he could get a clear shot at the President. I was there, and heard some first responders claim there were 3 shooters - one killed, one arrested, and one loose. Who knows? But it's clear he/they did not act alone. Why did SS ignore attendees telling them for 5 minutes there was a guy with a rifle on the roof? Why did the SS sharp shooters on 2 roofs behind the stage watch the would-be shooter through binoculars and do nothing? Why did SS leave Trump unknowingly on the stage when they knew there was a critical security breach? Why were there no SS drones overhead, or SS helicopters? Why? Because it was a Deep State orchestrated assassination attempt, similar to Kennedy and Reagan.

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If you digest even just a portion of these facts, you realize how alarmed we should be at the state of our country.

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Well said, David. I agree with you completely.

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Well said👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Trump was created by God for a time like this. He is tough and a warrior and NOTHING seems to faze him. He is in a fight for this country which is where we all should be right now. Thank you so much for being in the fight Seth! And for all you have done for God’s Army and for our country. God Bless you, President Trump and the USA🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Amen ken

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Amen Seth!! The Lefts 'Projection' gig is drying up...

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Joe Walsh - hmmm, I think HE OWNS a lot of ignorance and retardation. These people always base their premise on unproven claims or outright untruths.

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Dave!! This is off the subject but I’m so glad to see you here bc last night on the Badlands chat I wanted to scream w happiness when you told that guy nonsense to think that was a white hat operation. That whole narrative framing of kayfabe and it’s really good guys doing all that evil Bec this is just a movie go get your popcorn is truly causing people’s brains to rot. I see so many comments in chats lately from people turning badlands off bc they think all that so silly. We got Chris and Ghost with brains and sense. Ima stop there.

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Hi Jan - I'm so glad you replied, and thank you for that comment. Since I'm a mod in their YouTube chat, I try not to offend people, but that guy clearly is not thinking straight. There is no way this was a "white hat operation".

As for Kayfabe, there may have been a place for that early on, but as Chris Paul says, we must first assume that these events are actual and not scripted. We know there are very bad people in the deep state who have no qualms about killing innocent civilians to further their agenda.

Whether we find out this young man was goaded by someone or some agency remains to be seen. But certainly he was spurred on by the recent rhetoric calling for assassination, this coming from the CIA-controlled mockingbird media and the illegitimate Obiden regime.

I am very thankful that Trump was divinely protected, because it looks like the Secret Service failed in preventing this guy from even being there.

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There may have been some kayfabe early on like you say with big players but it is now largely used to excuse bad behavior for obviously bad actors who those people like. And as regular people like us get informed it looks more and more nonsensical and silly when they do that. And then they double down when confronted and that’s when viewers walk. Bec this is not a game it is not a movie. It’s real. Apart from Trump An innocent person had his head blown off- in my opinion that was done on purpose to shut those rallies down. So white hats? Really? I’ve switched to Seth and colonel Towner- some grownups.

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Again, thanks for replying. I agree. The entrenched evil forces know they have lost and are now willing to do anything.

I recently got an account on Truth Social also.

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Good to know I’ll look for you there

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Great piece, Seth! Surely we are in that time of deceit (including self-deception) where truth-telling is a revolutionary act. Everything you said is right on.

I'm disgusted with my fellow "citizens" who do NOTHING for their country, or fellow man, or God. Talking heads.

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I love this article. Thanks for speaking the truth Captain. I go to a very small church, but I can safely, for northern Delaware, it is filled with conservatives. Our pastor served in Vietnam. A new attendee came to our church recently and in our prayer group, prayed for the eradication of guns. I saw his car in the parking lot with a Biden/Harris sticker on it. While our God is a merciful Father who loves all, the evil agenda that the left is pushing is surely not favorably accepted by Him. IMHO, you cannot be a Christian and bow to the left.

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I’ve been wanting someone to stand up and say all this for a long time. The red team is as bad as the blue team righh now. Thank you Captain K for speaking out!

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Seth you are right about all and SO RIGHT about the American church and that leftist snob Beth Moore. I’ve been watching and she doesn’t sell anything any more. So there’s that.

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The deep state is running out of options. Expect more BS. Trump better hire his own security that he can trust.

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I really believe there are Republican officials who want Trump dead as much as the Democrats.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

Seth, who do you like for VP? I like Cotton out of all the names that have been mentioned. Not only do I not trust Vance, but even if he truly has had a change of heart, I don't see him as being the best qualified to step into that role on day 1.

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Brilliant, and TRUE!

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Well said seth!!

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