"Depending how much cheating is present,"

There will be as much cheating as necessary for a D win.

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The Republicans aren’t stupid.

They’re in government.

They know the party of government at the National level and indeed all National and International Institutions are Democratic. The fall of the Democratic party means the fall of all National and International institutions and alliances, and King Dollar. The Republicans are acting in their own interests, immediately and shortsighted, but interests.

Now having said that the Republicans are also corrupt, forsworn, cowardly and shortsighted for the system is falling anyway and unlike the Democrats they shall have no succor nor refuge, nor should they be accepted or protected.

However they’re not stupid. Not in the immediate grasping sense.

They also reflect the true nature of their base; venal, hypocritical, feminine, shortsighted, shallow and materialistic. Certainly I’ve described the average GOP local HOA association , women or beta provider drones, of course they will do nothing to upend their own rice bowls.

I say this as someone who votes and registered Republican, of course. Even a dinner or two.

It doesn’t matter, the system falls because the Democratic Party falls. Any real cunning beyond the Kitchen Table- the limits of the GOP- would have Trump in just for better positioning.

But this is what happens when you need Talleyrand but have the real Housewives of Suburbia picking your candidates.

Good luck Captain.

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