Seth - I'm a fan. I heard you speak last year or so in Mt. Juliet, TN, in a big tent at a Reawakening event. I'm not your typical attender of such an event; but I'm as pro-life and pro-liberty (thus pro-gun) as it gets. I subscribed to your stack after that event and I read your posts. I appreciate your work. I hope your analyses gain traction. I hope your personal stock soars! If you're ever passing near Knoxville, TN, I'd love to buy your lunch, pick your brain, and wish you well. ~Harvey

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Well said Captain. I am one who believes our media is so thoroughly corrupt, and 50% of the population is so thoroughly brainwashed, that your input will not be presented fairly in the NYT - because frankly, nothing ever is.

But I greatly admire your thinking and your belief in running into the breach. And if you help open even just a few blind eyes, your efforts will be worth it.


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Seth, are you familiar with the work of United Sovereign Americans? Please read this GP article on their work now done in 29 states, all with similar findings. This reveals the Michigan results including a "Scorecard" of the 2022 election with shocking results. They have now filed writs of mandamus in 9 states for civil rights violations and the Michigan lawsuit is included to read! More info at unite4freedom.com.

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Stay the course, Seth. You are steering true North.👍🚂🇺🇸

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God Bless Captain! Godspeed. I pay because I actually trust the information you put forth. I can handle the truth.

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Seth, you have a gift for speaking and writing that I’m extremely grateful for, as most of us lack in these areas. I’m most grateful though for your internal focus that comes across through these means. The “dishonest with God people” will never understand.

Thank you again.

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You mentioned co-anchoring a program with Larry Schweikart and Ashe Epp on election night, where can we find you? (Badlands Media?). I will definitely be tuning in (if there isn’t a blackout 🫨

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Great article Seth. Keep up the good work! I month to go (at least). Many prayers and much action to be taken. If more unregistered Christians and gun owners don't register and vote, they will seal their own fate and drag America down with them.

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Well said! Thank you for sharing this.

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Seth, are you planning on doing a deeper dive into North Carolina (the impact out west) in the next couple of weeks?

Being a bit of a data nerd myself, I've been fiddling with the red/yellow/green map you produced earlier this week, and what the Democrats slow-walk to help those affected might mean. As you know, just looking at those 'red' areas in your map (the areas most severely affected), Trump carried them by about 100,000 votes in '20, and he needed every last one of them to win. And if you expand it to the yellow and green areas, Trump generated a 250,000+ vote advantage there.

I understand the registration changes that provide Trump with a nice tailwind for '24, but I am seriously concerned that he can carry the state if these western counties still look like a bombed out wasteland on November 5th.

How the Hurricane affects North Carolina and Georgia may turn out to be the story of this election, I'm afraid.

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Thank you Captain for your courage and passion. We are blessed and fortunate to benefit from your wisdom.

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Bravo! We need more brave souls like you speaking the unvarnished truth to power. Let them do with it what they will.

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I think you're overlooking the inherent drawbacks of printed news with regards to getting your actual message across. The NYT will most likely use your interview as a reference point against in a different article that is targeted after some other propaganda objective. And if they can't find a way to twist it successfully, they may simply never print anything about you. Both those scenarios happened to someone else I follow.

If you want to achieve the objectives you described, I'd recommend live TV interviews. It's harder for them to take you out of context because of the immediate nature of doing it live.

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Makes perfect sense Captain. No sense in preaching to the choir if it doesn’t propel us forward. This is a case of, can they handle the truth and actually do the job they should do?

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Bravo, Captain. It will be a modern miracle if they print your words straight up. Your knowledge and understanding of the details and numbers in this matter are second to none—at least among people who have made themselves known.

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100% Seth.

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