Me too. At 76, with all the other things on my plate, spending a great deal of time fighting to right 2020 (which included becoming a precinct chair) set my schedule radically behind. With the clock working against me, I'll have to back off and take care of business after November 2024. But until then we need to keep up the pressure. Run over those getting in the way and don't look back. I have referenced your analysis countless times. Meaning you have done more good than you know.

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I would make one point - fighting for a correct understanding of 2020 almost certainly make you a shrewder combatant for November 2024. We are all working our way up a steep learning curve. Thank you for your sense of duty.

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It is fortuitous that I just read this article. I have been feeling the exact same way in the past couple of weeks. I am not as involved as you in this movement. I did canvas for Defend Florida in the spring/fall of 2021 and found phantom voters in my neighborhood. I also signed sworn affidavits that ended up getting in a package to the governor for Florida to pass its election integrity bill. I became a precinct committee person in my local GOP, I volunteer with them. I became an election worker in 2022 and will do the same in Nov 2024. I was also stunned that all of America was not upset about the 2020 election, and the giant PsyOp that occurred to finish the installation of Joseph R Biden.

The events of the past couple of weeks have an eerie summer of 2020 feeling to me. That being a lot of "news", a lot of spin, a lot of distractions, that seem to be off the mark for something larger afoot. I also feel the wheels are spinning to install an undemocratically elected president in Nov 2024. I have no evidence, just a gut feeling something feels off, like it did with Covid and the riots of 2020 and all that. The attacks on Biden and the installation of his replacement have that same PsyOp feel.

I think the last four years for me have been a deep dive into the corruption that engulfed our system of government. It's been shocking to me, but then if you read history, it's not that shocking at all.

I have been researching getting a dumb phone, I just want to unplug from this show. Do the volunteering I can and move on with life and other interests. I think if Trump gets this election stolen from him and us it will demoralize a hell of a lot of people. They can never break me personally, I see through the BS and they know we see it.

Thanks for this post as it has cheered me up on a bad day.

God Bless you Captain K

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What county do you live in? I too did canvassing with Defend Florida and signed a lot of affidavits.

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Thank you so much for all the work you do for all of us. I completely understand the exhaustion and the need to get back to your family and a more quiet life. I thought people would wake up in a way larger majority by now, but after covid manipulation, and 2020 election, and then the last 4 years I feel like we still have a very long way to go. So it's not surprising to me you don't feel like doing the same thing over and over again and seeing marginal or no results when it comes to actual changes in how the elections are run.I personally would love to see you in government or a place where you can influence laws that make our elections fair and transparent, if the right opportunity presents itself. You're are already a force to be reckoned with now, as a one-man-band on a shoestring budget, and I know that takes a tremendous amount of energy and sacrifice. Wishing you all my best in whichever path you choose to continue.

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You are one of the patriots I can say I am very proud to know. You deserve a rest and it is well earned. Your children deserve time with their father, time that cannot be recaptured. I too have had to reassess the value of time spent working on Republican Party issues. Politicians and consultants are a bunch of savages!

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The order of importance:




I, like you, am working on keeping those things in mind. Here in Utah we're doing what we can to foil a totally corrupt political environment. I moved here from Kommiefornia thinking I was going to a nice, safe, conservative location. I was wrong. It's actually worse here than CA, at least there I knew who the enemy was, it was overt. Not so much here in the Wasatch range, it's covert.

I've joined forces with several patriot groups here, but there's as much infighting as outfighting. May be time to find a nice defensible canyon in Idaho, but like you Captain, I'm not giving up!

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With you no matter what, Capt K - God’s blessings on you and your family!

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Your Telegram posts are at the top of my feed, and I do share your Substack articles where I can. I would hate to see your communications disappear entirely.

The effort to reform elections will be a long term endeavor, but now we know we are up against our own government and political/global forces that we previously could not have imagined. We have a much better understanding of election systems architecture, and how the bad guys cheat. I suspect 2024 will again be a battle, so I am adjusting my expectations accordingly. This is a marathon.

As you know I have leveraged your work here in VA and continue to push out our reports based on your Precinct Mapping Project findings. This information is extremely powerful in terms of the evidence of election fraud here in VA. However, the Republican establishment in particular deserves to be called out for neither being open to the evidence being presented nor, for that matter, having the intellectual firepower to put two-and-two together.

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"I care if someone has valuable information to contribute and the desire to see our Republic restored to its founding principles. I care about our country having a sovereign border, servicemen being kept out of pointless conflicts, and about American being run by and for Americans, not by other nations or global billionaires. If we don’t allow for people to change their minds and views, we are not a movement at all." Good word. And fully understand your concerns and convictions - will be praying for you.

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The work you did/have done on the election and statistics was amazing. I hope it has been useful in moving us all forward. We live in crazy and frightening times. Best wishes for you and your future. May God guide all of us in the upcoming days, weeks, months and on.

Blessings to you patriot.

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Proud of you. Seth, and proud to call you my son-in-law! Gods blessings in any and every endeavor you pursue.

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Captain, there's one constant in the military & life...the mission changes. I have no doubt that you will be incredibly successful in your next endeavor. Your work on election integrity has meant so much more than you could possibly know...PEACE BROTHER ✌️

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I have followed you since you started writing and I honor everything you write. Your honesty and humor and writing skills are real. I subscribe to many but just added your work. Thank you and God bless you and your family.

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Thank you so much Capt. K for all your hard work. I fully understand and respect your decision. It was wonderful having your analysis as a voice of reason throughout the chaos. Without your analysis, some of us may have given up long ago. Election integrity is the biggest national security issue of our lifetime. The only thing for evil to win is for good men to do nothing. Thank you for being a good guy!

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I remember an event in Gettysburg months ago, where you walked into the room right beside where I was sitting and several people rushed over to get their picture taken with you. I didn't know who you were until you sat on the panel and I recognized you from Senator M's hearings earlier. My husband and I so respect your abilities in stats and you have proven time after time to give clarity to what has occurred in our nation. We respect you fully, enjoy reading substack and whatever your decision for the future, you are correct in the thought that you have done your part. You have sacrificed, we are sure! You are a trustworthy man! Thank you for the education!

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Thank you Capt.K. You have put the facts and the path for solution out there. It's up to the patriot political & civilian leaders with access to actionable resources to seize the initiative and execute.

"You can lead a horse to water but...."

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