FYI, a recent positive development, below, however it really comes down to the courage of the individual County Commissioners to not certify questionable elections, and Washoe only has 2 out of 5 Commissioners who are likely to (Andriola did once but quickly reversed). I don't know about Clark County.

"The Nevada Supreme Court just ruled against Democrats by DECLINING to block Election Officials from withholding certification of the results in the event of election fraud. This means if fraud is discovered in the 2024 election, officials can now halt certification until the truth comes out.

The Democrat Secretary of State, Francisco Aguilar, initially filed the lawsuit asking the justices to require the Washoe Board of County Commissioners to certify the June 9 primary election results for two races before August 22, despite the ongoing allegations of fraud they received. He argued that counties don't have the authority to withhold certification and that their vote can only be 'YES' to whatever results they get. Additionally, he said they can't even investigate or determine instances of fraud."


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I would forward this article on to Lombardo, but it might be considered harrassment😂

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The good news is the Dems will is flailing in Arizona and Georgia more good news. The lack of street muscle being allowed to be themselves in Chicago will sap there will later in the fall when they need street muscle. There’s only so far you can get higher thugs just doing day job.

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A word on accelerationism;

No. That serves the enemy.

It’s utterly ridiculous if they have an organization and your faction doesn’t have any organization nor will equal or greater to the opponent’s. The KPD and the NSDAP could “accelerate” because they had organizations, of course with better leadership and support it’s important to note the German Communists came in 3d in the elections- with better leadership and some judgement on the other German parties side they not Hitler win. It was a near thing all the way to 1934-35.

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