I love Chris Paul!! Took me awhile to get past his “everything is fake!” line of reasoning, but once you catch on to his manner of questioning everything, it just makes so much sense. Highly recommend his show to everyone.

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Will check Chris Paul’s podcast out.

Such an insult by Dana Bush to attempt to corner President Trump into responding that he would accept the results of the November election. Translated as, you and your MAGA followers were misguided in your analysis that the 2020 election was stolen, let’s just preemptively put you in your place.

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Seth and Chris- the Power Twins!

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Ok. A few problems with this scenario (Dems win by massive cheating - again). First, please remember they are't going to simply generate 100M votes to overcome trump's 85M. They are going to REDUCE Trumps' votes while padding the Democrat's votes. The covertly-programmed Dominion-type machines do this quite handily if anyone was paying attention to the excellent investigations and analyses in 2021-2022.

Second, while the predicted "backlash" to apparent fraud is occurring and its participants are being discredited and smeared hourly by the press, the masters of deceit will be arranging false flag events to distract the public's eyes, and the illegal coup conspirators who claim to have won the White House (again) will be taking even more severe steps to use force and extreme coercion to put down protests and implement martial law in order to maintain tight totalitarian control.

Third, it won't matter that 200+ million people think there was a crime; they won't be able to correct it without our own full blown military with all of the technological surveillance and communications controls now in the hands of the illegal coup in power. The coup can and will shut down the internet where by the general public would be reduced to using commercially made 2-way CB or FRS radios (walkie talkies) that have extremely limited range (less than 5 mi. in country; less than 1 mi. in cities), this a coordinated resistance will be difficult (though not impossible).

Unlike Chris Paul I see no upside to the November 2024 election being stolen again.

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This brings two comments to mind. First Dan Bongino, who asks "is it bad enough yet?" and my father, who always said "You can rule against the will of the people, but you cannot do it for long" I will check out Chris Paul.

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Seth, your scenario of the boat taking in too much water is so vivid, and we see the results of getting a new boat that will not sink and will rise to the occasion of saving our nation!

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First off Seth, Chris Paul turned me off simply by writing over my head. There seem to be many writers that are so far above the average person, there’s NO WAY that message is going anywhere except to the elite of thought. President Trump is masterful at speaking plain and he reaches the minds of the vast majority of people.

Your writing is possibly over some people’s head but I can grasp it easily and I love your focus. And I will continue to stick with you for as long as you are fighting this battle. But I’m sorry I can’t go along with Chris Paul right now, even though I wish him the best.

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Chris Paul is awesome

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