This situation, IMO, seems like the MOST plausible given the MO of today’s Democrat party. They already have the infrastructure in place to do this, but this would be the ultimate switcheroo— and would play to the very limited strengths they have left (lawfare apparatus, Mockingbird Media, and Operatives in US Government) to actually pull this off.

They also LOVE to gaslight the American people, and this would be the ultimate gaslighting move.

I think this needs to be publicized more so that if they do try to pull this off, we’re calling it out way ahead of time! Great work, Seth!

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2 Tim 4:2-4

... preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

People have already wandered off into myths (men can be women, there is no border crisis, Trump is a felon, etc.). While the election is important, this clear evidence that what God said would happen two thousand years ago is coming to pass means that bringing people to faith in Christ is even more urgent. I fear God far more than I fear whatever the current kleptocracy can do to me.

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Brilliant, Seth! Boy oh boy, what a mess if this plays out... but I have faith it won't!

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In 2020, the virus was used as an excuse for the blue cities to stop counting in the middle of election night. This time, I worry of the possibility of false flags by "Trump supporters" committing threats (or even acts) of violence on election night in blue areas of swing states. This would: a.) stop the count, b.) push the narrative on election night of how Trump supporters are "fascistic terrorists", and c.)provide ample fodder to regurgitate January 6th in everyone's minds. Nothing is beyond the pale with the Uniparty.

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