How to Distribute the Afrikaner MAGA Wave Coming to Our Shores
Napkin math on how we can vanquish Democrats in key states using their immigration warfare agenda against them.
One of my most common destinations over the past four years has been the only state Ronald Reagan didn’t win in 1984 – Minnesota. Outside of one concrete jungle, the state is a paradise for sportsmen and lovers of the outdoors, filled with mild-mannered people who want to be left alone to make a living and enjoy their relative solitude. Minnesotans must be squeezed hard to break from this go along to get along mentality, and as such, have allowed for the longest Democrat-backing presidential streak in America at 13 in a row. Those margins have been getting tighter in the past decade, however, thanks to the Democrat Party’s anti-worker policies, and because of immigration warfare. The state has stayed in the blue column largely because of the legalized election manipulation codified into law in recent years.
The Obama administration, accurately perceiving the Democrats would lose their grip on the Industrial and Upper Midwest the minute a Trump-type populist showed up, countered these organic political winds by planting hordes of Somalians in the Twin Cities and other population dense areas in Minnesota. Recent estimates suggest the Somali population of Minnesota is fast approaching 100,000; keep in mind, thanks to the modern-day anchor of birthright citizenship, even non-citizen Somalis will mint freshly born American citizens, and within a couple decades, constitute a vast share of the state’s population.
Things are slowly starting to turn around with non-white voters for the GOP, but these shifts are fragile and largely dependent upon the success of the Trump 47 administration. Prior to this election, which showed major progress with practically every voting bloc (including Asians, Jews, Indians, and Native Americans), only the Vietnamese, Venezuelans, and Cubans had seen the light, with anti-Communism as the driving force for their Republican sentiments. Now, President Trump is discussing offering refugee status for South Africa’s Afrikaner population. From the White House’s official statement:
Sec. 2. Policy. It is the policy of the United States that, as long as South Africa continues these unjust and immoral practices that harm our Nation:
(a) the United States shall not provide aid or assistance to South Africa; and
(b) the United States shall promote the resettlement of Afrikaner refugees escaping government-sponsored race-based discrimination, including racially discriminatory property confiscation.and
Sec. 4. Refugee Resettlement and Other Humanitarian Considerations. The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall take appropriate steps, consistent with law, to prioritize humanitarian relief, including admission and resettlement through the United States Refugee Admissions Program, for Afrikaners in South Africa who are victims of unjust racial discrimination. Such plan shall be submitted to the President through the Assistant to the President and Homeland Security Advisor.
First, what is an Afrikaner?
Whites make up 7% of South Africa’s population of 62 million. That puts us at about 4.3 million whites nationwide. Not all white South Africans are Afrikaners; Afrikaners are the descendants of early South African settlers, mostly Dutch - but some French and German – who are associated with control over the nation’s agricultural industry and who control most of South Africa’s farmlands. Grok, X’s A.I. service, estimates between 2.5 and 3.0 million Afrikaners in South Africa:
What is the problem?
Anti-white discrimination and racism are nothing new in South Africa, but you don’t hear about it much over here because western news media want people to believe only whites can foster a racism-tainted society; this allows for maximum shares of grievance voting to naturally occur. Recently, the South African government passed laws that allow for the seizure of Afrikaner farmlands without compensation, which is addressed in President Trump’s official statement, linked above. Things are only going to get worse from here for the Afrikaner population.
Resettlement by Math
First and foremost, not all Afrikaners wish to become refugees to America. This is merely a hypothetical analysis meant to counter the immigration warfare waged in Minnesota and beyond (Springfield, Ohio, is another classic example). It is fun to imagine how the left may react to such efforts to bring in outsiders sympathetic to the cause of individual liberties and national sovereignty.
Let’s say that President Trump took in all 3.0 million Afrikaners beginning today. About 2.3 million of those are likely to be adults. If all of these refugees went on to achieve citizen status within 6 years, in time for the 2032 election, we may be looking at 2.5 million adult Afrikaners in America given new adults and accounting for deaths of the original population.
Let’s say 60% of the 2.5 million turn into voters. You are looking at 1.5 million Afrikaner votes in the 2032 election.
How will they vote? Stat trackers and bean counters don’t do a good job in estimating the vast white vote, largely because they don’t agree on what constitutes it and don’t split for ancestry. Richard Baris is one of the only pollsters I know of who does this, and he expertly explains why Minnesota does this, Pennsylvania does that, and New York does another thing. No one can seem to figure out where people account for the Jewish vote, which pulls everything to the left if it is put into the white vote (not all Jewish Americans identify as white). Here is what Grok said about American voters of Dutch ancestry and their voting in recent elections:
I will agree with Grok and place their level of potential GOP support at the low end, 60%, which is almost certainly too low - just how I like my analytics and one key reason I have a knack for accounting for cheating in my margins.
My hypothesis is that 1.5 million Afrikaner votes would split 60-40 in favor of the 2032 Republican nominee, perhaps J.D. Vance in his reelection year (which, if successful, would be only the second time since World War II a party won three consecutive terms in the White House). That means 900,000 Afrikaner votes for Vance, and 600,000 for the puppet run by the Democrats. Where should our Afrikaner friends go?
My proposal:
Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Electoral gold. These states will most likely be worth 42 collective electoral votes, or fewer, once the census readjustment takes place in 2030 (or earlier if fixed). Sorry, Minnesota, but we have to concentrate our resources here.
We need 1.0 million Afrikaners to settle the depopulated industrial areas of northern and northwestern Pennsylvania. With 600,000 new votes coming in at a 60-40% clip minimum, that will net 120,000 margin for the GOP nominee statewide in a state Trump just won by an artificially reduced 120,266-ballot margin. This gain in new margin would fully cancel out Harris’s margin from Montgomery County this past election and push Pennsylvania out close to five points, or more if progression continues up to 2032. 18 future electoral votes in the bag. I recommend my friend and local business giant Ryan Kiehl for resettlement manager in northwestern Pennsylvania.
Our Afrikaner friends will feel right at home in Dutch Western Michigan. We are putting about 835,000 here, which would yield a half-million new votes. 500,000 votes going 60-40% Republican yields an added margin of 100,000, which goes nicely on top of Trump’s +80,103 margin from three months ago, which is also artificially shortened. The new margin alone would blot out all of Harris’s margin in Washtenaw County, home to multiple universities in the outskirts of Detroit.
The remaining 665,000 Afrikaners will be urged to settle down in America’s Dairy Land, the terribly corrupt Upper Midwestern state of Wisconsin, which counted ballots on Election Night until Democrat Tammy Baldwin held her Senate seat. 400,000 votes going 60-40% GOP will yield a gain of 80,000 margin, crippling Democrat chances of winning the Badger State, which Trump only won by +29,396 thanks to manipulation and down ballot cheating. The gain of 80,000 statewide margin is sufficient to erase nearly 45% of the total Democrat margin from Milwaukee County.
Is this exactly how things will shake out? Of course not. Remember, not all Afrikaners want to leave their lives behind, even with pending trouble of epic proportions. Trump has a substantial base of support for his proposal, and it is likely that a substantial number of Afrikaners will find their way here, especially if and when things get really bad. As shown in the napkin math above, this will only held advance the coalition and contribute to the demise of the party that desires to weaponize immigration against Americans.
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Seth Keshel, MBA, is a former Army Captain of Military Intelligence and Afghanistan veteran. His analytical method of election forecasting and analytics is known worldwide, and he has been commended by President Donald J. Trump for his work in the field.
More than interesting!
A girl I was dating in 2020 challenged me to name ONE example of anti-white oppression (real, violent, coercive racist policies) anywhere in the world. I pointed to Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia), with the mass rape and assault and dispossession of the most productive (white) farmers in the country. The ZANU-PF confiscated farmland and gave it to allies of the dictator, Robert Mugabe. These cronies mostly turned around and scrapped the equipment, resold the supplies, and let the land lie fallow.
In 20 years, Zimbabwe went from the breadbasket of Africa to a hyper-inflated nightmare, all through pursuing 'equity' policies.
I precited that South Africa would probably follow suit