What is incredible to me, Captain K, is that your logic in these specific counties comes very very close to predicting the same amount of fraud claimed by Montgomery's p-cap evidence. That's why I'd have you on the quo warranto team. If anyone knows where Pillow Man has placed that evidence, please let me know. For a long time, the FrankSpeech site had an "Elections" tab on top, I think, and it was very easy to find the p-cap numbers for every county in every state. But he's done an overhaul of that site, and set up all sorts of new sites and operations, and I can't seem to get my hands on that data again. Boo.

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One thought: given that the narrative pushed by the establishment was that mail-in voting helped increase overall voter participation, my suspicion is that some of the Trump 2020 votes may have also been fraudulent (albeit, not nearly to the extent that the Biden votes were). Deliberately inflate both sides to a designated percentage gap is what the powers-that-be may have been aiming for. Thoughts from Captain K?

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