Agreed. And I saw this problem (in less detail of course) as soon as Trump suggested it. But I am not worried as it is unlikely.

I would rather give Vermont and Seattle to Canada. But that, alas, is unlikely as well.

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At first glance, I liked the idea of incorporating all of their natural resources, but one read and you have me convinced. I had no idea they were so liberal. Always thought of them as a rugged people.

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Nice analysis. Maybe more of a Union like the EU, not official statehood. And having been raised in Canada, I would bet a lot of money that Canadians would never want to become Americans.

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Excellent analysis, as always! I have friends in Canada and, yes, they tend to be more liberal than us even though we have the same interests. By the way, Ottawa is in Ontario, which changes the math slightly, but the end result is the same. Keep up the great work and Happy New Year!

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Thanks for pointing that out. I'm not sure how I wound up throwing it under Quebec, and I knew that... but... it's fixed now.

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It is very simple, if this would ever happen, can you say N I G H T M A R E

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I'm afraid you are right. They have had as long as we have to unroyalize and they haven't. The eventual result would be a presidency Hamiltonian in color and move for either resubmission to England or a constitutional amendment changing us to a parliamentarian system of government.

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This idea may be even more radical than what you presented, but I'll offer it anyway.

The US House of Representatives was fixed at 435 due to the physical constraints of that side of the Capitol building. Would the math work any better if Canada was added, but the total of Representatives was maintained at 435?

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Thanks Seth... Since Canada is and was always designed and engineered to be a proxy of GB and in-degree (France - for which you hold in "esteem" :?)... Then flipping to a proxy of the US wouldn't' be much different... however, as you have pointed out, malaise and definiant and they would be... Not much more beneficial than "Easterlings".

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Made you a meme! https://imgflip.com/i/9f8sny

But it's not like we just grant statehood right away, historically. After the invasion and the military occupation, we usually set up territorial governments. These can last as long as needed; think Puerto Rico.

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