Good work Seth. I live in Illinois, in a Red county. The majority of the state is red, rural, and conservative. Not only has Cook county, mainly, distorted and controlled the state's representation in the state house, and Congress, but the corruption of the Madigan regime for decades never allowed for fair votes in Springfield on issues that affected ALL of Illinois residents.

Many of us believe that the last two Governor elections were stolen by the criminal Pritzker. It's maddening and disgusting. The marxist element has infiltrated and overthrown our state. There is NO hope for the majority of good people in Illinois except to secede. There is a very real and viable New Illinois ready to become a 51st state, similar to the one in CA.

This would separate us from the Dem corruption in Chicago, and allow real representation in Congress.

By the way, due to financial issues, I had to stop my paid subscription, and could not comment on your recent articles. But I just received an unexpected blessing in the mail, and have resumed my paid sub to you, so I am now able to communicate. This is good because I do not have TwiX or Truth Social, and get most of my news and info here on Substack.

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What do you think of Rod Blagoyevich's story about what happened to him?

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I think he was framed by the deep state DOJ. He knew too much about the Manchurian candidate Obama. Hopefully, at some point in the future he will testify against the traitor Obama. We'll see.

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Telling the Truth again! This is just the best Mr Seth. Thanks is never enough.

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Thnx, Capt K.

Keep it up….

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