As much as I would have loved to see something bold and out of nowhere in the announcement last night, I am thrilled to continue to support Trump and the movement toward free and fair elections. We shall carry on and prevail.

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Yes, last night, he seemed very presidential. Boring for us, but reassuring for normies.

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Outstanding Seth! We are on the Trump Train!


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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Capt. Seth Keshel

Well said Captain! As much as we hoped there would be more last night to end this circus fest....Something does tell me that there just might be more to expose and this might just be the start of something bigger.

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Yes, I worry he will not be allowed to win any more than in 2020. People say if the Hunter story was not censored DJT would have won. I think that would only make the bad guys stuff more fake ballots.

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Count me in Boss! All my Worries are in God’s Basket. However, I truly believe he wants us to fight for our God Given Liberty. Walk away? To do what? Sit around and wait for Tyranny to knock on my door? Not happening! Thank you for all you do, you are an inspiration to so many!

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I am trying to start somewhere and have asked for a recount of houghton county. I believe they will approve it but I need to get more information for them and they want more support behind me. I’m asking you Seth to chime in on a zoom call on December 13. Please let me know if you can. Robert Gelt has my number.

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We do not deserve this man. We don't deserve him.

After all this. After all the lies, slander and ridicule by the media; after the targeting and the impeachments by Congress and the deep state; after continuous betrayal by those barely human politicians he endorsed; after his own base turned their backs on him for the newest shiny politician or for not fulfilling their grossly outsized expectations; even after President Trump was illegally deprived of the 2020 presidency he fought so hard to win; after all that, President Trump has graciously bowed to the wishes of the people he leads with honor, decency, and integrity and announces his candidacy again. He is doing it again, folks. He is going to show us all how it's done. Who else does this? No one else. We cannot possibly ask any more from him. He is simply the Greatest of All Time..

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MAGA party supplanting the [R]'s and [D]'s as the dominant party? It already does.

[R]'s have once again voted against their own interests and their own survival by returning McTreasonous McConnell to the Senate Leader position. I expect similar capitulation in the House, with one of the two other McTraitors (McCarthy) slithering into the Speaker role.

We The People are not represented by either of our legislative bodies, nor can we look to the [R] faction (read George Washington's Farewell Address!) for redress: the third in the McCriminal triad (McDaniel) has her boot firmly planted on the throat of the [R] (s)electorate. Uniparty, indeed.

Sad but necessary truth: We The People built the gallows upon which [they] are hanging us. It's up to US to dismantle it.

We outnumber [them] massively. Time to work together: NOT like the [D] Borgs who eat, sleep and crap destruction, but like the Founding Patriots who fought - and WON! - our American Revolution.

3%? If that's all of us willing to stand, then let's make that enough.

Be ready to get our hands dirty, if that's what it takes.

'Whites of their eyes': defend, not preempt. Do NOT cross the line. But make no mistake: [they] will not go quietly. and [they] have a very well-organized groupthink army.

In? Or out? The choice has always been (y)ours.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

― Samuel Adams

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I couldn't have said that better!

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All in.

I wasn’t expecting anything more than what we got from his announcement, I think because of my barometric readings from friends and family. Those I use as a gauge as to where the normies stand. There hasn’t been much of a visible shift. They vary in their degree of right of center, center and left.

I do think that the election is triggering their brain — it has to be. Since when in our history has the economy been this bad and the midterms not lead to a wave on the other side. Their neurons must be snapping in overload bc of the election results, “does not compute!” For that reason alone, the next wave of normies is awakening, and we’ll be there to guide them.

No one said it would be easy. Virtual or real, war is hell.

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Thank you Seth, for this sober, level-headed piece! I have been really concerned about the responses I have seen about last night...Exasperated, disappointed, angry, tired people.

I'm all in. He is THE ONLY ONE that can move us forward. He is our weapon to destroy the DS. And we must support him in every way (except through the lying, grifting, odious, RINO-enriching Winred.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

While I understand the rationale behind what you’ve written, I am afraid that the coalition trump built is not JUST of die hard Trump

Supporters. There are people who support all of what he is aiming to do, but trust is broken when people like Kari Lake and her team make PROMISES they can’t keep. Her “War Room” even said something to the effect “we are not in the business of creating false hope. Kari WILL win this.” (Paraphrased, but u can go read it yourself

on their Twitter account). When candidates makes sweeping statements and promises like this, it builds false HOPE that they have actually been able to get something done to keep the election honest. Then when the opposite happens, they simply say “we must fight on” and proceed to send text links and ask you to donate. This is how you lose intelligent and well-intentioned people

Who are done being lied to and being made to feel we are being strung along. The only way that trust can be rebuilt at this point is by delivering on what we have been promised, so long as we do what we have been asked to do — Which has been to “get involved locally” and”vote vote vote.” Otherwise, I am afraid trump is about to lose a large percentage of voters who have put their faith in him and his candidates until now. That’s not everyone, but the unknown is how big that chunk will be and it’s impact on 2024. Unfortunately, I think it could be a big chunk of people who will NOT vote in 2024 unless a real tangible change is made that restores faith BEFORE, not after, the next election.

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Kari Lake was showing 60%+ in many polls prior to the "election". She worked her tail off, and still is. How is it that you are not addressing the outright FRAUD in the elections? Kari had good attorneys everywhere, no lack of oversight.

Not her fault. Put the blame where it belongs.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

When one of the critical platforms to her campaign was that she repeatedly called out the irregularities (this was a positive) of 2020 election, and told voters and Hobbs “we have eyes and ears everywhere” and “you will get caught” then, in my humble opinion, she was representing to her voters that she is well aware of the shenanigans that happened in 2020 and took steps to make sure that Hobbs would not engage in shenanigans when her voters went out and did as she asked “vote vote vote.” Please don’t get irritated with me just bc it am expressing how things are being perceived by voters. I had to beg my family to vote this round because they fled communism and after 2020, based on their own personal Experience, saw where this is headed with this 2022 as they grew up And survived the “it’s not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes…” regimes in USSR.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

My apologies, and I truly commiserate with your folks. I have friends from the Soviet days and Cubans, all of whom fled here, and are now frightened at what they see.

I'm a little irritable right now, because I have worked in politics for 30 years, trying to wake people up, ran campaigns, was a Committeewoman, etc. I got out because I got a good look at the electorate, and they are dumb as schitt. And people are worse now.

Kari DID take extraordinary measures, but the Runbeck connection should have been watched carefully. And it's only a few hours from Maricopa. I still think there's more to come.

I hope this is an elaborate trap for the bad guys, as well as a vital election. There couldn't be a better place to expose this. If it were me, I would have paid spies at RB, and other places, and satellite observation of every truck.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

And, may I ask, HSO... Seeing that 2020 election was stolen, what have YOU been doing to help those campaigns? Did you give to the candidates? Walk some precincts? Become a poll watcher/worker?

And are you being active in calling out the blatant fraud in so many states? Are YOU being part of the solution you want to see? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Yes I have. I did as I was asked (1) get invoked locally and (2) vote vote vote. I also personally helped several friends cure votes after. But you see, herein lies the quagmire — there are so many out there pointing out the cheating from 2020 and now 2022, with data, audits, movies etc. I hear a lot of “Fix 2020” ….. but when it comes down to it, we are not given immediate effective actionable solutions to solve this. This far, it’s been “get involved” and “vote vote vote”…all I am saying is that is not gonna cut it anymore without something we can do that is REALLY going to make the difference in the outcome of 2024. And donating more

Money ain’t it —- I wanna hear something new that makes sense that we can all

Do before 2024 at this ensure this isn’t gonna happen again. Otherwise, I am sorry, it does not seem sincere and I have no other choice but to consider the possibility that we are being strung along for our money or some other bigger agenda that is not apparent. Again, don’t be irritated just because I am thinking out loud. I can assure you at others

Who voted trump and Kari are thinking the same thing — we are not quitters, but what we have been asked to do so far is not working.

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It's going to come down to doing exactly as the Brazilians are doing. We are going to have to get out enmasse and PROTEST LOUDLY to get the attention of the entire nation. There are so many who still don't understand what is going on politically. Normies don't realize how much the cheating has progressed. There are many still "asleep". We who are awake can't give up. We must keep fighting and digging to make sure REAL change does happen before the next election. There has much evidence and proof gathered that still needs to be exposed. And we have to demand that it all be fixed. No one is going to come in on a white horse to save us. We have to save ourselves, just as the original revolutionaries did in the 1700's...not with guns, but with our determination to win the communications war. We are in WWIII. But it is a very unconventional war. It's an information war that we CAN win. But it isn't easy.

Kari Lake has not conceded her election, and I don't believe she will. She will continue to fight to get the election fixed. I think we should demand an entire re-do. But it won't happen just because I say so.

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Agreed. My apologies. I am as frustrated as you. I also find that many of the complainers have done nothing to help with election integrity. I'm sorry.

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I'm in. I will never quit... Live Free or Die!❤️🙌🏻

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I need to add that the GOP national chair needs to be replaced and Capt. K would be my first choice for that job. 🙏🏻🇺🇸

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Seth, you state:: I’ve spoken with experts in AZ and similar states/counties, folks who have won races by playing Dem games in states where harvesting is legal (needed to win NV), and also folks who have figured out how to spot and have illegal registrations removed. We need an army.“

If the next “action” being proposed to counter the what’s been happening with elections is for “patriots” to ballot harvest with the same fervor and effectiveness as those who have been doing it on “the other side,” I have a few honest questions:

(1) if they are, in at least some certain cases, ballot harvesting illegally, how do “patriots” counter that without similarly engaging in illegal ballot harvesting activities for which patriots (undoubtedly) would be prosecuted for a la Jan 6th? Patriots would absolutely have to play by the rules if this is an approach going forward.

(2) So then, if patriots can only stay toe to toe with the “other side” by harvesting ballots LEGALLY (ie only where it’s allowed by the State), how will that be enough? I’m guessing probably not. Which then leads to their still having advantage of having “extra” dirty ballots …. And now with additional advantage of knowing much sooner how many the “patriots” have managed to collect.

(3) last, if the answer here is “we need to clean up voter roles” to avoid ballots out there for dead people, non residents, ineligible etc voters, —hasn’t Tom Fitton & Judicial Watch been trying to do this for like the last decade? He’s had to use open record requests etc and it has been, from what I can tell, a painfully slow process that will not yield what we need in time for 2024.

Would love to hear thoughts/responses on these points.

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I'm in........still! But, working on a new strategy. It's badly needed. So is inter-connectivity among county level and state leaders. I can only speak to Georgia knowledgeably. We don't have a statewide organization. There are a couple organizations that claim to be, but they aren't. Each has a different playbook, if they have one at all. What's my basis for this conclusion? At the Summit I spoke with reps from several states. Two shared attitudes were revealed: we're all experiencing the same issues; and, we don't know what to do. I'm not promoting a top-down organization. That won't work. Two many differences across states and the country. Of course, there are organizations led by a large host of "experts." Each advancing the same goal, but differently. Data (evidence) and analyses of it is abundant. Each set of data is accompanied with different sets of "actions". Most are complex and require too much effort to understand and put into action before another comes down "a", not "the" pipeline!

Collectively, complexity is overwhelming and counter-productive. Too few members, even leaders, understand individual actions nor how it fits into a "big picture" strategy. Few examples of successes exist. With one exception, disjoined info flows continuously. One action plan after another. No consistency, nor inter-relating coordination on a broad scale. Once begun but not finished another new "strategy" is introduced. Complexity and disjointed flow of new directions/actions results in nothing accomplished and dwindling numbers of active members in groups. The exception came in late Spring and culminated at the Truth Summit. "Get rid of the machines!" But, there wasn't a strategy to accompany the objective! We were tasked with two actions:- get CVRs and go to your Sheriffs! Mike had a chance to advance one at the Truth Summit, but didn't. Missed opportunity. We need a strategy. We need a leader. Mike is the most likely choice to lead and be the top spokesperson advancing it. That doesn't mean he's the only one(s). You and/or Dr. Frank would make excellent leaders of a movement of We The People hell-bent on election reform that eliminates most election fraud. I began this with "I'm working on developing a new strategy." What if I succeed? We're one county, in one state. What if many others succeed in doing likewise? There's the potential for having 3,143 DIFFERENT strategies! Not good. If this catches your attention, be mindful to KISS it- keep it simple, stupid! As you have stated- we have a year and a half to accomplish the goal before 2024 primaries! BTW, that's the same thing I said two years ago! And, YES I'm still in! Cpt D, Dalton, Ga.

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