As a paid subscriber (one of your earliest) I can tell you: I love you. This BS is happening because you are co CLOSE to target. No matter that it is coming from right or left, they all fear being exposed by the truth. Your strength comes directly from the Holy Spirit and because of your acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I know you won't, but don't let these bastards get you down. The pendulum has begun to swing the other way and we are going to win this war against satan. And that change in momentum is because of the ACTIONS of heroes like you. Godspeed.

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Your comment means the world, Bill. Thank you.

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Hang in there Seth. I believe most of the crap being thrown at you is easily discerned as true or bullshit for those who want to know the truth.

Your service record should be easy to confirm with your DD214. I think many generally know what a DD214 is. I used to look over DD214s as an administration volunteer for a Veteran’s group to see what membership package was a better ‘fit’ for them.

I’ve been following you (and other election integrity heavy hitters) and consistently reading your articles and posts. I feel like most of us know you much better than you know many of us.

We’ve all been duped, lied to, conned, etc., you simply come across to me as someone with a huge heart, righteous convictions and driven to save our Republic.

I’m not surprised at all that there would be many out there trying to discredit you and all the other heavy hitters.

Plus, you are one hell of a writer! I love your down to earth style and your ability to communicate much with very short articles.

I trust you!

Canadian County, OK

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Sad. Disgusting. It is a kind of terror attack. Hidden in the shadows, circling to attack in secret. The opposite of the duals or gladiators of old. Right or wrong, at least those men had the bravery to face an enemy. Your attitude to overcome this nonsense is strong and positive and we wish you the best. I understand the decision to stay away from the expense of a legal solution. Its too bad these characters are not facing a price for their actions. Really sorry this was dumped on you. Take Care. Head on a swivel at all times.

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My heart breaks to think there are such people out there who would crush and defame your honorable service to God and country! Please know that I am praying for God to generously bless you with closure of this evil-meaning act(s). As a Christian Mom, wife, daughter, and friend, I thank you for sharing this difficult story because with each episode as these, we, the people, see more clearly how to question and be cautious of the corruption. The Bible tells us these people are everywhere, but as Christians, we sincerely hope and act as all people want to be honest, kind and considerate. This is JUST NOT TRUE. Thank you for providing this platform where like-minded folks can bind together and have hope, peace, and joy together. Seth, you are a rock for your children, and I pray that they will continually surround you as you will them, with open communication, God and His love and protection. God’s blessings and protection go with you daily.


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I read Carter Pages' book a few years back on what he had to go through - courtesy of the same sorts of people. He did much of his legal work on his own. You are doing a great job. Thanks for your writings !

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God will turn this evil used against you into good, for His purposes. To God be the glory!! I will become more vigilant as a ‘watchman’ on the wall - praying for your safety & guidance!

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Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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I believe you Seth ... you have always provided clear, straightforward information and including all about yourself and your background. I for one will ignore your detractors

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It really saddens me to see this kind of nonsense going on. But it's not surprising. We are in a major spiritual battle that's spilling over into the Physical Realm. Evil will do everything possible to destroy good and that includes using otherwise good people to do it. My prayers are with you.

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Damn, Son! First I'd heard of this. Who in their right mind would levy such BS? And, for what purpose? Got nothing better to do, I guess. To the slanderer, I'd send a big WHOBABRA (Who Gives A Big Rats Ass!) with instructions to Get a Life............then, I'd hunt his ass down and kick his it up between his shoulders so he'd have to unbutton his shirt to Sh*T..........on video, of course! Publish it and let his apology be my response! There are just some assholes that a good old fashioned ass whooping is the only language they understand! I've conducted a few of those "attitude adjustment moments in my life". When warranted, they work! (Folks, that's Vet talk! Vets get it. To others, please excuse my language!) Seth, I know you've not seen that side of me.........it's still there, but now that I have to plea the "76th", it's mostly talk! Cpt D

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In the few times that we have met personally, and the multiple times we have communicated by phone or text or email, you have never once engaged in a practice that I would question.

Anyone who disassociates from you in any way as a result of this horrific, personal attack was probably never going to be with you over the long term anyway.

It’s probably best that that chaff gets separated from the wheat.

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How did you find out who was spreading the gossip? I own my past also but I can’t stand a gossiper, they do so much damage, I really don’t know how they sleep at night! I’ve always told my kids, gossip is like the telephone game, each person that engages in it puts their own twist on it, and it never ends up the same as how it began.

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Way to go Seth! Taking the bull by the horns (pun intended) and taking the high road. Well done.

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I think there’s another saying about bulls. Like messing with them.

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I rarely comment Captain, however, I enjoy your writing and appreciate all you do for the Deplorables.

Hang in there, as you definitely are, and keep on doing what you do so well.

God Bless You and Your Family.

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I'm sorry you're having to deal with this crap. Geezus. I can't tell if you have the perps identified or not, and whether or not they are RINO's. Stuff is brewing, though, and the election crooks are getting nothing but bad news lately. Things move at a glacier pace, but they are moving. Watch for a big good news lawsuit to be filed by Tuesday, I am told. So this means that you are on the short list of people they really fear in terms of evidence and credibility. You are over the target. Pillow Man is getting the same kind of heat. Fake news articles are showing up, accusing him of being filthy rich while asking for money constantly to support the Lindell Legal Offense Fund. Well, he ain't filthy rich no more, and every dollar that folks like me donate to that fund goes to support people OTHER THAN Pillow Man who need legal help.......like Kari Lake. I wonder if you should be issued a new SSN, just to be safe. Maybe you've already done that.

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I respect you and love your out look on everything! You have a brilliant mind! Someone is very jealous of you and or afraid of what you know! It’s to distract you on your mission for truth!

You keep doing what you are Best at!

I will forever subscribe!! We have work to do! You give me the inspiration and knowledge to keep fighting!!

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Thank you so much for this very thoughtful comment, and your support. I agree - someone doesn't want me where I am.

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